HOME MADE - Linux Multiple Wan Routers

Well just tried to reflash router after realising adamg has changed his server addy and the router has bricked...Checked all known ways to rectify but it won't work...So I've taken router apart as there is no warranty seal and joined 2 of the power pins with solder so it won't even power on...Gonna RMA to ebuyer....You reckon they will check the mobo or just replace?
Hi all, just got hold of a Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 and i allready have a Linksys WRT54GS v4. What would be the best to mod into a load ballancing dual wan? With best being easyest :) and do you have to use linux to do it?
Thanks Baggy69.
Hi all, just got hold of a Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 and i allready have a Linksys WRT54GS v4. What would be the best to mod into a load ballancing dual wan? With best being easyest :) and do you have to use linux to do it?
Thanks Baggy69.

Read this thread starting at post #60 by Adamg mate, heres a link to it:


but u need to change the ip address in the script in post #61 from to (if Adam has'nt changed it already ;)

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Thanks updated it :)

baggy69 you have same router as me, I think alot of people who have had problems have been plugging the modems into the wrong ports as Ive seen more people getting it working, and the ones that havent and have asked for help thats what the problem has been,

Heres an image of where you should plug the modems on the WHR-HP-G54 and maybe possibly other buffalo routers.

ok i have tried telnet ssh and pinging my router and nothing is working
I have read somewere that you can connect 2 pins together to sort it but i cant find any details on this does anybody have the details ?

also i have a Buffalo WBR2-G54S can this be turned into a dual wan ?
Thanks updated it :)

baggy69 you have same router as me, I think alot of people who have had problems have been plugging the modems into the wrong ports as Ive seen more people getting it working, and the ones that havent and have asked for help thats what the problem has been,

Heres an image of where you should plug the modems on the WHR-HP-G54 and maybe possibly other buffalo routers.


Thanks adamg :)
ok i have tried telnet ssh and pinging my router and nothing is working
I have read somewere that you can connect 2 pins together to sort it but i cant find any details on this does anybody have the details ?

also i have a Buffalo WBR2-G54S can this be turned into a dual wan ?

I had same problem...No ping/telnet/ssh and router would not assign IP with DHCP...Tried 2 ping method and it didn't work...Mines on a RMA to ebuyer as when it was apart I fooked the solder on the board so it looks as if it's blown...fingers crossed I'll get a new one
I posted an emergency restore method earlier in this post, the pin shorting is only if you fook linksys routers, the Buffalo routers have an emergency restore tftp engine built into the bootloader, check a few pages ago for instructions, works every time no matter what you have done.

Will work on a WBR2-G54S
Nah it wouldn't work with me...The router wasn't assigned an o IP so I had nothing to TFTP into....
it worked i went back to original firmware and managed to get the web interface working but still no connection to the net however i didn`t restart pc i then installed the sashquash firmware onto it with out any probs and again changed password via telnet and then connected via putty without any probs but when i tried to install the cmd it failed telling me that server was not found or words to that effect.
have put it back in box again lol and will try again on monday.
Hi Adam

Could you please check your openwrt script again please. I have tried to run it a couple of times and it seems to fail 4 lines from the end with 404 failiures. (Hope this makes sense).


Nah it wouldn't work with me...The router wasn't assigned an o IP so I had nothing to TFTP into....

It does work for fu*k sake, it wouldnt be an emergency restore method otherwise, its built in as security to the bootloader, read back to my post about it, you have to set the IPs manually and IT WILL WORK!!!

Ive wiped out the whole network config file once and it worked, theyre was no need what so ever to crack your router open or even consider putting a soldering iron to it.

Thanks for pointing the bug out slipper updated it once more.
Ive decided pootas Im going to make a youtube video and BRICK my router on purpose just for you so I can show it working ;)

I will also make one for others to show how to get OpenWRT and dual wan working.
Hi Adam

Could you please check your openwrt script again please. I have tried to run it a couple of times and it seems to fail 4 lines from the end with 404 failiures. (Hope this makes sense).



Hi adam,
Im getting the same as sipper, wat it says is this ......

root@OpenWrt:~# cd /tmp; wget http://adamg.cc/openwrt/setup; chmod +x setup; ./setup
Connecting to adamg.cc []
wget: setup: File exists
| Welcome to the DigitalWorldz dual wan setup script by AdamG |
| Please note this script was originally designed for the |
| Buffalo series of routers running OpenWRT Kamikaze 7.07 |
| Updating IPKG packages |
| Installing required IPKG packages |
| Downloading and writing configs |
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
| Getting 2 random macs and writing them into network config |
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
| Done, please make sure your 2nd modem is plugged into port |
| 4 and reboot all modems |
| |
| Rebooting router |

Also it says in the txt above to connect 2nd modem to port 4, when in your pics its port 1.
Thanks for your time adam :)
Hi baggy69,

Sorry your right I considered it port 4 as the wan is labeled port 0 in the os and I counted upwards, sorry for any confusion.

As for the script I did update it but when your router downloaded it, it hasnt overwriten the current file so your effectively still using the old one, just run the following

cd /tmp; rm setup

Then run the command above and all should be ok :)
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Ive decided pootas Im going to make a youtube video and BRICK my router on purpose just for you so I can show it working ;)

I will also make one for others to show how to get OpenWRT and dual wan working.

is there no stopping you? many thanks for all youve done adamg, i look forward to my buffalo eventually turning up :littleang
Thanks adamg, working as expected again - maybe this time "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

Hi adam, can you tell me if this looks right please. Does both WAN have to be connected before it works and what port can i connect my wired network pc to or does it not matter?
Thanks for your time :)

root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/config/network
#### VLAN configuration
config switch eth0
option vlan0 "2 3 4 5*"
option vlan1 "0 5"
option vlan2 "1 5"

#### Loopback configuration
config interface loopback
option ifname "lo"
option proto static
option ipaddr
option netmask

#### LAN configuration
config interface lan
option type bridge
option ifname "eth0.0"
option proto static
option ipaddr
option netmask

#### WAN configuration
config interface wan
option ifname "eth0.1"
option proto dhcp
option macaddr 00:11:22:33:44:55

config interface wan2
option ifname "eth0.2"
option proto dhcp
option macaddr 55:44:33:22:11:00
root@OpenWrt:~# ip route dev eth0.1 proto kernel scope link src dev br-lan proto kernel scope link src
I think you need to get out more adamg....Don't get me wrong I'm not doubting your technical skills but when I say it's bricked trust me it was bricked...I tried the emergency bootloader and I'm fully aware of why it's built into the router but guess what......IT DIDN'T WORK....

If I thought I could have saved it I wouldn't have sent it back to ebuyer.
