Heres a weird one


Inactive User
Mar 20, 2005
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i got a sammy 2100 from a trader about two years ago (before i discovered this brilliant site) i am in pure and was fed up with not having the pin function for the movies so i decided to reconnect the talkback so i could get VOD.

Once i put it back in the stream it updated and low and behold i had both VOD and the pin function for the normal movies, chuffed as i was i watched a couple of VOD films and then remembered that they aint that great and as i was worried about having talkback connected i decided to disconnect it this weekend.

Last night i thought i would see if there was anything decent on VOD, pressed the on demand button and just got a message saying loading no please wait or anything, left it for 10mins still loading, rebooted box same thing so i checked the pin function and it still worked, disconnected talkback still have pin function, after harping on what i was wondering was do you think the box was a clone and the CC have knocked out the VOD because they have the details from someone elses box?
no the reason the vod aint working is that you need to have talkback connected.
Talkback was still connected when the VOD went off
im not sure how accurate this information is but i noticed that when my vod went i read my rom 10 card and all of my tears had changed from standard tears to ppv tears but my card still works even though i have no standard tears on my card, the card also changed from a rom 10 a32 to a rom 10 a3b card which i am unable to rewrite.
ive also read somewhere on this site that the vod system does not belong to virgin that they pay for it seperatly so when they have no customer to bill for there usage they blacklist that mac adress.
now as i said i dont know how factual all of this is a lot of it is speculation on my part but there are far more knowlegable people on this site who can explain it far better than me.