Help with online vote timed untill 31st July


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Jul 12, 2001
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I don't normally pass these things on so if you disagree please don't comment and don't vote.

My cousin in Australia is trying to help a woman and her kids in Peru, I am not sure of all the mechanics but she needs votes on the web site below to qualify for the next stage.

you do need to give a valid e-mail to vote.


Dear all,

PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME FULFIL this dream..I thought i had another month to submit the dream that I have been working on with my friends in Peru at the Q'ewar project I support. I found out this is the last month to submit so I only have a few days left in this month to have a chance to win. me make this happen....I need over 3000 votes to win so a long way to go in a short time...but lets be positive and go for it! PLEASE send out to all your friends, family and facebook twitter...any way you can help me here...

Please go to the link below and click to VOTE for me!

Sunsuper Dreams - Join Sunsuper Dreams | Make The World A Better Place | Sunsuper Dream Competition Online | Dreams Come True | Share Your Dreams

I feel very passionate about the project and I am the Australian distributor for the dolls they make at the Q'ewar project and I would just love to help this one lady who works for the project and needs a house for her children!

If you want to know more about the project you can view this documentary at], a social and economic initiative working with the indigenous women living
Hilda is talked about in this documentary.