Help - Want to grow Dorset Naga chillis or hotter ?


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VIP Member
Apr 12, 2007
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Not very green fingered but could someone help me out with regards to growing these ?

Do i buy plugs/seeds ? Is it now to late in year as i suspect ??


Not very green fingered but could someone help me out with regards to growing these ?

Do i buy plugs/seeds ? Is it now to late in year as i suspect ??


My brother has been growing a few of these and they are fruiting now. He planted them back in March from seeds that came from some Naga's he bought at a food festival last year. They didn't seem to be doing much and the Cayenne and Jalapeno plants were miles ahead but in the last 3-4 weeks they have shot up and produced lots of fruit. Didn't do any cross pollination or anything. They have grown into the real deal. I tried about an eigth of one last night and it almost killed me :) made my right ear go numb.

You won't get much hotter than these unless you can get some Bhut Jolokia's but if you get the right naga it'll be just as hot.
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i thought it was official, the dorset naga was thee hottest in the world by a long shot?

have lazily pollinated my bonnets, thais and jalepenos the other day, lots of fruit now :D
Any idea were is a good location to get seeds from ?
Any idea were is a good location to get seeds from ?

Food festivals are good as they sell the seeds and the goods. The seeds are usually more expensive than the fruit so buy some fruits and harvest the seed.

The company my brother got his Naga fruits from is South Devon Chilli Farm when they had a stall in a local food festival.

The seller will also offer good advice on growing :)
thx for this thread, fond of the hot stuff myself, but didnt realize there were so many ...wooo
I bought the chilli's themselves from fleabay. Going to remove the seeds for next year and eat the chilli's.:proud:
Cheers for this thread, just purchased some seeds and a jar of paste for myself from eBay, wonder if these will turn out as hot as the merciless insanity peppers of Quetzalacatenango (grown deep in the jungle primeval by the inmates of a Guatemalan insanity asylum)?
On man v food they had a chart of chillies heat is messured in units.
Jalapino's was 8000 units the hottest was called Ghost chillie and had 1million units.:hot:
was down Brighton yesterday and there is a shop in the Marina that only sells chilli plants and chillie sources, all i can say is wow. Bought a few jars. not looking forward to trying any of them. The guy in the shop said you only need one drop of this source mixed in to a pot of food. :) else you will spoil it lol. the source is called dragon slayer and is ment to be the hottest available, well appently except dragon slayor batch 13 which is nearly twice as hot as the original

apparently on the 18 and 19th September they have a chillie eating contest in the Pavillion and is a must see the owner was saying.

Sorry cant remember the name of the shop though