HD7000 usb problems


Inactive User
Mar 3, 2009
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setup a new HD7000 for a mate today and the box will not read the usb sticks at all they both work in my HD9000 this is in both usb ports the front and the rear. its gets to 20% and then on screen message pops up usb invalid...??????? never had this problem with a 9000. so can anyone with a 7000 shed some light on this.
Shame I dont have a 7000, but try switching on the power at the mains switch with the stick in the receiver.
Just one other thing make certain that the software on the stick is really for the 7000 not the 9000, some members have both patches on the same stick which can be confusing.
done all off the above lads so it seems that its kaput so told him to send it back. never had any problems with the boxes before only my own which was an easy self fix as the power lead was not fully pushed home inside the box. cheers for the replys..