Halloween - How much is enough?


VIP Member
VIP Member
Sep 28, 2010
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Rat's Bedroom
OK, maybe it's just me but what the hell is going on with holiday periods where seemingly it's OK for everyone and is dog to try for a free for all?

What i mean by this is that for probably the first time in a long time that both me and my wife got to a point where we were starting to despise the day and just generally get fed up of the constant knocking at the door from kids (and those older whom I would advise better of).

I've lived in my area for going on 15 Years, I know pretty much most of the neighbors in my street, not necessarily all by name, but you get a general feeling of who lives where, and who's kids are who's. I would say, there are maybe 25+ kids of varying ages between 2 and 15. I'm all for it, love seeing the kids dressed up and my daughter took my niece and nephew out so i don't want people thinking this is one of those bah humbug type moments.

It doesn't even feel like anyone takes the point of it to heart, OK, there is dressing up, but there's no "Trick or Treat" it's stick your hand out as soon as the guy opens the door, and I wouldn't mind but it's no longer one or two, I actually had 10 kids at the same time knock!

I spent £15 on sweets earlier on and had some snotty little 12 year old i didn't even know or have ever seen say "is that all you got mister" as he scrunched his face up. Are we bring are kids up now that everything is just expected?

I was also absolutely gobsmacked last night at the amount, and what made it even more infuriating is my trip to the shop (a 5 minute walk) whereby some gruff looking guy turns up in a white transit, out jumps 6 kids and he shouts to them "Get what you can from this street". I mean seriously has it really come to that were parents are actually driving their kids around the whole of the god damn town to "see what they can get", are people really that desperate?

Takes the fun out of it all IMHO, but hey, maybe "I'm just old".
luckly its gone quiet by me the last couple of years and hardly get any one calling....

but when i first moved in over 10 years ago like you got so many kids calling it really peed me off

i ended up going to the pub for a couple of hours so i didnt have to go through all the crap that comes with halloween...
luckily i was out till late, the wife had a few knocks and just didnt answer
Honestly I've never really liked halloween but then again I've never really liked horror or what not and I see more grotesque demon looking things rather than a fairy or a princess. Every year we just don't answer the door, but this year they threw eggs at our house which was annoying because:

1) They're not the ones cleaning it off and it smells awful in cold weather

2) We had just gotten the new door fitted a few weeks ago

3) It was a good week after halloween, not that that gave the the excuse to borderline vandalise our house.

4) My disabled mum had to force herself to stand and help clear it off. Our step-dad was out and my sister was very sick which was a downer coz it was her birthday and she finds out her house got egged. Not exactly a present I would have had in mind for her.

So usually I just ignore halloween altogether, but I guess morals and the ability to have a conscience seems to be becoming non-existent with every year.
I love it now.
My wife buys loads of chocalates etc but all the kids round here know i've got a big german shepherd and don't come to the door so i have to eat it lol