Gov may not be able to save NASA hacker

2 relatively inexperienced pilots managed to hit there relatively small targets whilst moving at around 500mph doubtful,what about building 7 why did that collapse

Could we please have a conspiracy theory section where this sort of stuff could be quarantined?
The original post was about being British and pissed off at how we seem to buckle whenever America makes demands but for some reason its turned into a fairy story.

Am just pissed off at how Cameron and Clegg have backed down when they were so quick to slag off Labour and Clegg is now saying they are powerless to do anything!!
Fook me, a thought they were in charge but they seem to have lost their spines now that they are wearing the daddy pants.:proud:
I wish they would stop printing stuff like this. as members of the PC Clan get all hacked off.
They would much rather we lay down,roll over and take this crap.
I never said they cared lol....they only care about themselves, but they still need a good relationship with us, they can think we are insignificant all they want but they need us to back them up at the UN so the at least need to look as if they care, Mount Rushmore is supposed to be to celebrate american presidents but we all know its just clarification that the Yanks have multiple faces...:proud:

If I remember, UN security council did not authorise invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan. They do not care about the UN or to many other things tba. Remeber who didn't sign that eco treaty a few years back ?
If I remember, UN security council did not authorise invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan. They do not care about the UN or to many other things tba. Remeber who didn't sign that eco treaty a few years back ?

Lets agree to disagree..our government which was elected sent our boys and girls there so those brave people have my support. The Yanks need our backing on numerous things (imho)

The Eco treaty...why didnt US or China sign it...because it didnt benefit them, they care only for themselves and fek the rest of us until they need us to be their wee lapdog and back them up.

I guess we both have basically the same opinion of them, I was just pointing out that caring about us and wanting us to back them up are 2 different things, most Yanks are self cntered cnuts.