Google Earth


DW Member ++
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score

Want to know more about a specific location? Dive right in -- Google Earth combines satellite imagery, maps and the power of Google Search to put the world's geographic information at your fingertips.
yeah, it's a great program, but it only shows big cities close up. if you search for a small town, like Oxford (im an oxford boy for life!), then it wont be in detail. i got Google Earth Plus :) (not trying to show off or anything)
i got google earth, wasn't very clear close-up
i wants sumthin that is very detailed an u can actually see live pictures...tht ad be ace
as i said, you can see only big cities close up, like London, Tokyo, New York etc. also, i heard that the images can be upto 3 YEARS OLD!!!!
MA_2K5 said:
as i said, you can see only big cities close up, like London, Tokyo, New York etc. also, i heard that the images can be upto 3 YEARS OLD!!!!

I found that, looked at my local area and it's very old
what are the benifits of getting the pro version?
Pro version is intended for big business, or educational institutions. If you want a premium version intended for individuals, try Google Earth PLUS. (im not saying got get any cracks for it), it's $20.00, i think, from the website.
real time streaming would be cool - but privacy law would probably stop this and there would be an uproar, it would definitely help the missus to keep an eye on my frequenting of pubs.....!
LAFF, and i want to chat to my computer