Geohot; Dont update to 3.21 cfw coming?

Totally agree with Janobi in that it's your choice whether or not to update and that most of the people complaining didn't even bother with the feature in the first place.

Plus it's Sony's code to do what they like with at any point regardless. And you agreed to it legally. End of story really as it's checkmate to be honest. You're free to dislike it bu that's really the be all and end all to any of this.
See if sony had allowed it to carry on and maybe a mainstream hack came out for it, then what would happen to its sales ???? They would sky rocket.

The Xbox, every one seems to have one for mainly that reason. Now if you get banned most folk I know just go and get another due to the price of them. So it seems piracy to an extent goes hand in hand with sales.

Maybe they just want to keep it a unhacked machine till the release of the nex gen console is out. Who knows.

But it just throws down the next challenge to army of ppl willing to try and do what Hackmax has already done !!!!!!
See if sony had allowed it to carry on and maybe a mainstream hack came out for it, then what would happen to its sales ???? They would sky rocket.

I agree totally.

Looking back through history and all the most popular consoles (and the best selling) have always been the hacked ones. Look at the dreamcast, sold nothing until someone brought out the boot disk, then started selling like fildfire, but it was already too late.

I updated the PS3. I don't play games much and never online. I don't watch protected movies or use the store & home much. I did try Linux on my last PS3 before it went tit's up, didn't think much of it though. I do think Sony have the right to alter their own code and also to add or take away features as they see fit. But that isn't going to stop the hackers from trying to beat it again. And who knows if they succeed Sony might just end up with the best selling console again.
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Yeah but think of all the money they would loose on games that people could simply download? All right the mondey dosnt directly go to them but sony have there finger in a lot of game compnies

All though i dont approve with the removal of the lunix system (Because i accully used it )

I dont really care it still does everything else i want it to.
there is a way to bypass this update but its from another site an dunno if i can post it on here,would solve ppl`s problems that wanna continue playing online AND still have the otheros option
its just altering the primary dns server-just alter the primary dns address to
seems that geohot isnt the only one hacking the ps3 theres a spanish hacker thats hacked the hypervision now aswell theres a blog on it but i cant read spanish if anyone does an could translate 4 us then here it is JaicraB Blog enjoy if u can lol
GameOS dumped! lv0/lv1/lv2 access on PS3

After all behind schedule taking a project in mind, we have been able to dumpear lv2.
We have had access of reading of completes XMB session before entering Otheros. what this basically means is the potential for hacks is no longer limited to the 'OtherOS'. Code could potentially be run directly from the XMB.

Thats the translation of the post. Its on maxconsole.