

Inactive User
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score

\//\//\//\// _ |_ _ / /_ _ _ \//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\
//\//\//\//\ (_||_)(_|/ / \_||_ | | //\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//\//

Checking for updates to GameNameLookup.csv and abgx360.dat...
Server file no newer than local file 'GameNameLookup.csv' -- not retrieving
Server file no newer than local file 'abgx360.dat' -- not retrieving

G:Documents and Settings*****DesktopXbox_Backup_Creator_v2.8.0.275x360-gears
2.dvd is valid

Checking Game
ISO: "G:Documents and Settings******DesktopXbox_Backup_Creator_v2.8.0.275
Size: 7835492352 bytes (SplitVid 2nd wave)
Files in ISO: 1811, Folders in ISO: 4
Total bytes used: 6717692839 (91.94%)
ISO appears to have random padding
XEX Media ID: 82422DB068B2D0C995416ADC-63AF211E
XEX CRC = E0255A63

Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF
Region Free!

Checking SS
Timestamp of Authoring: 2008/09/24 00:00:00
Timestamp of Mastering: 2008/10/01 13:38:43
SS CRC = 7960591F (RawSS = 728C08AC)
SS Media ID: 82422DB068B2D0C995416ADC-63AF211E (matches game)
SS looks valid

Checking DMI
Timestamp of Authoring: 2008/09/24 00:00:00 (matches SS)
DMI CRC = 819D537E
DMI Media ID: 82422DB068B2D0C995416ADC-63AF211E (matches game)
DMI looks valid

Checking PFI
PFI matches known data (2nd wave)

Video partition found
Checking Video padding... Video is zero padded
Video CRC = 91410773 (V0 = 81DF6964, V1 = E47F6A94)
Video partition matches known data (2nd wave)

Stealth check passed!

Verifying this game against the online database...
Attempting to get '7960591FE0255A63.ini' from the online verified database
ERROR: The requested URL returned error: 404

Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex/SS combination
Verification failed

Press any key to exit . . .


In the usual places.:Bounce:

Last edited:
"Supposedly nuked because of a bad SFV... anyone verify?"

There Is A fix

you `ll need

nice but not playing this till just before release date
AH Gowan! :Bounce:

lol i would of but its my mates xbox and i dont think he'll be happy if it gets banned i've got 2 x 360's with RRoD would played it with one of them :(
I'm downloading this at an amazing 228KB/s :(
I downloaded it once and it was corrupt...Plus there are no par files as yet!!! Tried to redownload the few rars but same issue...So have to download again and now capped to 5mb by VM!!!
I'm not being traffic shaped, I've got a problem :(

My upload is around 700KB/s and my download is less than 250KB/s - supposedly on a 20Mbps connection, I've tried all my macs they are all the same :(
I'm not being traffic shaped, I've got a problem :(

My upload is around 700KB/s and my download is less than 250KB/s - supposedly on a 20Mbps connection, I've tried all my macs they are all the same :(

lm with ngroups m8 , sure u r if l remember right .. downloaded mine a few hours ago and looks nice sitting on the xbox lol .. unplug the feed into the modem m8 and put back in again ,, might needs that sometimes .. no idea why .. changed my mac and it was fine
I'm not being traffic shaped, I've got a problem :(

My upload is around 700KB/s and my download is less than 250KB/s - supposedly on a 20Mbps connection, I've tried all my macs they are all the same :(

Virgin have finally found a way to stop you witchy lol

Game is perfect played it for about 20 mins.

Needed a good bit of repairing tho!
great game .. graphics r fantastic too .... cant see cod5 being any better than this
lm with ngroups m8 , sure u r if l remember right .. downloaded mine a few hours ago and looks nice sitting on the xbox lol .. unplug the feed into the modem m8 and put back in again ,, might needs that sometimes .. no idea why .. changed my mac and it was fine

It's not just Ngroups though mate, everything is slow as hell.

I've changed macs, changed modems, stripped and rebuilt the network including router etc, removed router and connected PC directly to modem....still shit speeds :(
It's not just Ngroups though mate, everything is slow as hell.

I've changed macs, changed modems, stripped and rebuilt the network including router etc, removed router and connected PC directly to modem....still shit speeds :(

may just be a problem in your area then mate, have you checked virmins maintainance page to see if your area has any probs?
Online speed tests show a great upload speed of approx 750Kb and shit poor download speed, right now it's sitting at 165k :(

I've just tagged Guitar Hero World Tour, this could take a while...