Frrr-ozen! Brits Braced for -10C


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Apr 2, 2007
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Icy roads during the morning commute have seen at least seven traffic accidents - including two multi-car collisions.

Today's arctic temperatures are forecast to tighten their icy grip as the mercury plummets towards -10C across the UK.

Thermometers will fall to -10C in parts of Scotland, and around -7C in southern England.

And after another perishing night in the South, experts predict temperatures in the region will drop further to -8C or -9C tonight as an unusually large high pressure system continues to dominate the UK weather.

Police in Devon and Cornwall have reported several incidents resulting in road closures and major delays on some of the region's main arterial routes.

On the A38 at Tideford, five vehicles were involved in an early-morning collision and emergency services were attempting to release a number of people trapped in
their cars.

The extent of their injuries is not yet known.

Also, police, fire and ambulance services were attending the scene of a four-vehicle incident on the A38 at Harcombe Bends.

No one was seriously injured, but one lane of the Exeter-bound carriageway was blocked, causing three- to four-mile tailbacks.

There were also two collisions on the A30 in Devon, also resulting in major delays.

A police spokesman said: "Drivers must be aware that this time of year, and particularly during this freezing spell, it is likely that they will face ice at various locations across the counties."

The Met Office has issued a severe weather warning for London and the South East, cautioning people over icy roads and pavements.

Sky News weather presenter Francis Wilson said more freezing weather is on the way, but things should warm up by the weekend.

He warned that the cold weather was more likely to bring frost and black ice than snow, with roads in Kent being particularly badly affected by slippery roads.

He added that this is the longest widespread cold snap the UK has seen for 13 years.

"Because over the last 10-20 years, the winters have generally not been that cold, this has been a big surprise for many people," he said.

Freezing Britain Weather: Icy Roads Result In Accidents And Snow In London As Cold Snap Continues | UK News | Sky News

"Because over the last 10-20 years, the winters have generally not been that cold, this has been a big surprise for many people," he said.

its been bloody cold ALL arse.:(
Its still dam cold now my cars saying it 2 degrees not sure if that right but its still cold and theres ice still all over on the paths and stuff still.My dad's away travaling Oz for 6 months and every day he texts saying its 32 degrees and there on the beach :(
I woke up in the middle of the night looked at my lappy which has the temp extension for firefox, minus friggin 7 for my postcode, central heating went out right away, brrrrrrr!

time to break out the extra tog duvet!
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I wish my heating was working, maybe the wife and family would come back home :CRYBABY:
Im missing my warm house! damn hotel room is cold. Ive asked for a portable lecky heater. Car said -6 as I drove from office to hotel. Was -4 this morning. Avoiding country lanes, taking longer to get from a-b, but its safer at least.
FFS, the news is going bonkers....its a little cold people cant drive the country grinds to a halt.

I was in Canada for my Honeymoon and it was -20 12" of snow every night. Does it stop the Canadians does is feck! Did not stop us either in our 5,7L V8!! Rear W
wheel drive car.
FFS, the news is going bonkers....its a little cold people cant drive the country grinds to a halt.

I was in Canada for my Honeymoon and it was -20 12" of snow every night. Does it stop the Canadians does is feck! Did not stop us either in our 5,7L V8!! Rear W
wheel drive car.

difference probably is we dont get this kinda weather often, some people dont know how to handle driving on slippy icy roads, even the best of drivers can skid.

by the way, its your honeymoon, bloody freezing and your out and about? Either your missus was experiencing the time of the month or you probably kept her happy one way or another ;)

It was a Chrysler 300C over 500BHP...anyway back to topic.

People crash as they dont asses the risks or dont understand
I agree, modern cars with fwd cosset the driver, and that, usually mixed with inexperience results in tragedy.

It's ridiculous that a bit of chilly weather seems to stop this country in it's tracks when other countries deal with it without incident.
It feels colder for some reason. I'm in Finland often and the weather gets much worse than here, yet I feel colder in the UK. You can be out wearing a light coat in -20 yet in England those kinds of temps would stop me from going out.
Warmed up a bit here today, the car read 0 degrees this morning and very little ice on it. Yesterday at about 10am it was -7 and the doors on the car were frozen shut (not the locks, the doors).
It feels colder for some reason. I'm in Finland often and the weather gets much worse than here, yet I feel colder in the UK. You can be out wearing a light coat in -20 yet in England those kinds of temps would stop me from going out.
It could be something to do with the fact you see the snow drifts and the Reindeer wandering about the place, so decide to put on your warmest jacket even to pop out.

Whereas in the UK, you think its fine to nip to the shop wearing just a T-shirt during a blizzard.

One of the funniest things, in a strange way, is the Finnish adverts warning about the cold and being drunk. They basically say dont get drunk and make snow angels, as you will die.
Condensate pipe froze on my boiler last night so I was out there with the only thing I had to thaw it .... a hair dryer! still alive though and the boiler works too!

it really is too bloody cold - glad I got the new boier in this year. so very glad!