Free 32mb USB Memory stick

z4kir said:
Sign into your account and fill in the extra profile questions, following screen will display:

"Thank you for ordering your complimentary memory key. We're sure you'll find it full of insights and information that will better equip you and your infrastructure to handle any business challenge. Particularly the ones that have been eating up your weekends.

Your memory key will be on its way to you shortly."

got a bit worried..... but with advice from z4kir carried on right to end and finally memory key message is displayed.

thanks Z4kir mate and of course to Paul-K who found the site in the first place
nice find mate

I should have found that first...but I am just working for IBM...i am not interested in surfing on their websites.
Its enough that the startpage is always IBM UK. yawn
Great find. Off to order one now :)

Has anyone received one yet?
Nice one m8 - but where's the catch. I guess I'll soon find out when I'm bombarded with junk mail. LOL
has anybody recieved 1 yet ?
hatab said:
has anybody recieved 1 yet ?

Same thing I was going to ask. I note that the first thread appeared here in late June, so if the offers genuine, someone must have received theirs by now?
Had ordered mine in mid July, still waiting for it, i have lost hopes noe :(