Finding Codes



Hi can you please tell me where i can find a tutorial how to find the codes?

Wolverine said he was doing one a month ago but havent heard any thing :(.

Please can you tell us how to find the codes??? :confused:

Please Help Me!!!

Hello there! I have just found the answer that you seek a few hours ago! I'm new to this game but i now know how to get all the codes from my original card and modify them to obtain the monthly remote codes (inc programming using the Elvis).So if you want my help I'll be more than happy to help and i'll do my best to explain without using any tech terms (as they confuse the **** out of me!!!) :D :D :D
There you go Tombar you cant get a better offer than that m8.
Good on you Simbob we need more like you m8 on here keep up the good work.....Gazer :)
Well please can you explain how to find the monthly DBMG2 Codes??? :confused:
By that i presume you want to know how the remote update codes are generated each month.Firstly you need
* your original card
* MKfind software
*OD remote calc software
Visit Wolverine's website and follow the tutorial on how to extract your PPUA.
When you reach STEP 4,scroll down to the BOTTOM and read the record for "Provider 01" and "Description Primary Key OC" (or OD depending on what month it is.June was OC so July will be OD).
The key is the 8 pairs of numbers after the first pair.
Now you have the key you just input it into the Remote Calc software and out pops all the remote update codes! :D :D
If anyone thinks I've missed anything please say so as I am new to this "explaining techniques stuff"!