Film four


Inactive User
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Film four is an excellent addition to freeview have enjoyed week one. Must be a top five channel. I know there are some repeated films but this allows catch up if you miss it first time. Verdict not worth £7.99 a month for free fabulous.
Gotta agree m8,had some great films on this week and it is handy if you miss a film cuz u know its guner be repeated :) Great addition to FREEVIEW :Cheers:
i have to say that film4 shows a lot of great movies and i am well pleased that it is tutv now
even though it has ads in the films, I think Film4 is excellent - freeview really has needed a film channel for ages - especially a decent one sure TCM could have gone freeview but that would not have been any good (keep TCM TUTV I say anyone daft enough to pay for TUTV deserves TCM (lol)).
If sky was ever to put Sky One on Freeview then Im sure all there members would just pack sky in - I have friends who scratch their heads and wounder what the big diffrence is between their sky and my Freeview NOT MUCH I utter...

I Dream of sky One been on Freeview as Im a big fan of Startrek - Simpsons - and much more - but £40 a month for sky is way too much for my bank Im happy we have Sky Three for a taste.....

Mr 3D:Cheers:
I was reading that the advertising revenue from sky1 is the highest of all their channels, it would be the last channel to come to freeview. SkyThree shows old Sky1 channels, its just a pity they are years old!
mr3d said:
If sky was ever to put Sky One on Freeview then Im sure all there members would just pack sky in

all there members? not a chance. a lot of people have sky for the premium sports and movie channels which you cant get on freeview not just for sky one.

sky one was on on digital / itv digital years ago, why didnt all there members pack sky in then?
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i think film 4 is a brilliant channel to come to freeview and was much needed. Ive watched about 7-8 films that ive never seen before on it already. sky1 would make a fantastic addition but dont think it will ever happen :(. would love discovery channel to go freeview though and i reckon there may be a slight chance there....
I think its a great addition to the freeview line up - this time last month we had to put up with Twins on ITV2 every other day! lol
gooddeed said:
i think film 4 is a brilliant channel to come to freeview and was much needed. Ive watched about 7-8 films that ive never seen before on it already. sky1 would make a fantastic addition but dont think it will ever happen :(. would love discovery channel to go freeview though and i reckon there may be a slight chance there....

Can't see Discovery going free myself. It's just about the pick of the TUTV lineup IMHO.
whats the best film they've shown on filmfour since it came to freeview.
The best film i have seen on film since it went to freeview was "dead Mans Shoes" hadnt even heard of it before and it caught me by suprise.

its a fecking great film, really well underplayed tale of revenge that isnt corny or cheesy. loved it now i only which i had recorded it. seems to be the only film thatthey havent shown five or six times ion the one week.

look out fir it if it is on again you wont be disapopinted.
operationmayhem said:
The best film i have seen on film since it went to freeview was "dead Mans Shoes" hadnt even heard of it before and it caught me by suprise.

its a fecking great film, really well underplayed tale of revenge that isnt corny or cheesy. loved it now i only which i had recorded it. seems to be the only film thatthey havent shown five or six times ion the one week.

look out fir it if it is on again you wont be disapopinted.

i'll search for it on imdb. knowing film four they'll probably repeat it soon enough.

some comments:

On paper I can see the argument that there is little morally redemptive quality to a film like Dead Man's Shoes, no diamond polished by the end credits to reward an audience going through the trauma. But to actually sit through the film, and most importantly, to be subjected to another of Paddy Consadines' electric performances, is an extra-ordinarily vital, if viceral experience.

In 'A Room for Romeo Brass' Considines character shifted from comical to threatening in a truly unsettling way, although in the end his promise 'to go dark on you' is easily thwarted by the decisive action and confidence of a father-figure. In this film, again, there is some uncertainty on the audience's part as to how far the character will go, as until the end, we are uncertain of exactly what he is revenging.

Rest-assured, Considine delivers an absolutely convincing depiction of a man struggling to balance his desire for revenge and redemption, he invokes sympathy and fear from the audience in a performance to rival DeNiro in 'Taxi Driver'.

I judge a film on the value of the experience it gives you, and 'Dead Man's Shoes is more than worthy of your time.

I have waited for this film to come out for quite a while now, I missed it at cinema as the mainstream cinemas didn't show it and I had to wait for the DVD to come out which it did on Monday. I loved the film and have watched it a few times already, the film is dark very dark, almost to the point of a slasher flick Mr Considine is almost to the point of a monster.

The music is beautiful, all the score is chosen at the right moments and its pretty damn elegant. I also love the brutality of it, Mr Considine in all scenes looks like someone with so much anger and distaste for the people he is dealing with comes across really unstable and alarming, such strong character portrayal is rare in a film these days, the intensity of his character makes the best anti-hero seen for years pretty much since taxi driver, I have heard Paddy Considine being called the British Robert De Niro, I just can't believe he hasn't been poached by bigger (but not better) films. I can't wait to see the next Meadows/Considine Film, its always nice to look forward to something in films as the big blockbusters these day just have no soul anymore.

This is a film from the heart and I think this message will get across to all people who watch it.

All I can say is give it a chance. I gave it a 10 anyway possibly to hight but better than a lot of recent films.

If you do not like dark, challenging films, don't bother.

If you are ready for something unlike anything you've ever seen, and are not afraid to confront difficult emotions, give this film a go, you won't be disappointed.

From the start the tone is set. A bleak town in Northern England, like many bleak towns in northern England. With petty, small time drug dealers, like petty small time drug dealers everywhere, vicious and stupid. Then into their lives comes a mysterious figure, in a green parka. And nothing will ever be the same.

It's difficult to describe the movie without spoilers, and I do not want to spoil a single second of what is possibly the most powerful and emotionally wrenching film I have seen for a decade and more (made all the more powerful by the haunting music). Paddy Considine (who wrote and stars in the film) is stunning as, for want of a better phrase, an avenging angel, albeit a fallen one. The menace and tension builds and builds (including perhaps the best depiction of a bad LSD trip ever set down on film - it's an extremely discomforting experience if you've ever been on the wrong end of a bad trip, believe me) until the harrowing climax. This is not a nice film. This is not a fun film. This is, however, an exceptional film, and perhaps more importantly it is an honest film, a true film if such a thing can be said of fiction.

If you want smiles, or empty action, or to put your brain on hold, this is not the film for you.

If, however, you want a film with genuine emotional depth, that makes you think and resonates far after the end credits have finished, then this may be what you're looking for.

Just don't expect an easy ride.

An overused word, but the closest I've seen to a masterpiece for many a long year.

I was looking forward to seeing this film. There is such a good vibe about it, so imagine my puzzlement when presented with a dog's breakfast of a movie. Is there supposed to be tension or suspense? I didn't feel any.

Shane loves his fields because there are lots of long lingering shots of them. Just when you think its about to get going up comes another field shot to slow it all down again.

To be fair my friend who watched the film at the same time thought it was very moving, however, I couldn't agree less. Flashbacks which are supposed to add meaning to the story instead only serve to confuse. It might have helped if the gangsters had any genuine menace about them but they are so inept that their inevitable dispatch only evokes a 'so what' feeling.

The poster proclaims that Dead Man's Shoes redefines the slasher movie. Please give us a break, it redefines only the meaning of 'rubbish film'.
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Best Films on Film Four

Its not my place to tell anyone what the all time best films are, each one of us will come up with a different list... As for "Dead mans Shoes" for me it offered nothing new but i do have 30 years of film watching...Im glad film four is Free it gave me the chance to watch some Japanimation films which I would never get round to watching on DVD and isnt it nice that we get to hear the English and Japanese could also have commentaries if you press red and things like that....

: tosser :
They say you don't get anything for free - I've had Film4 for a while on cable and after the switch to 'free' status, the quality of film has dropped as well as the addition of adverts.

Still, Freeview's better with it than without.