FFS!!! 'Gran Turismo 5' delayed in all regions


Inactive User
Apr 2, 2007
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Gran Turismo 5 has been delayed in all regions.

Sony has announced that the game will miss its November release date but will still arrive before the end of the year.

"We are sorry to say that Gran Turismo 5 will not be available on the previously announced release date of November 3rd, but the game will be released before Christmas," read a statement.

"We sincerely apologise to GT fans for the delay, however creator Kazunori Yamauchi and the team at Polyphony Digital want to make certain they are creating a racing experience of the highest quality.

"We are confident that this ambitious game will exceed expectations when it launches later this year. We'll have more information for you in the near future."

It was added that a new release date should be announced by the end of the month.

Gaming - News - 'Gran Turismo 5' delayed in all regions - Digital Spy

what a load of fkin shite! pre-ordered this thinking that November release date was set in stone!!!
wonder if its to add added security so people cant play it using there usb devices
pissin me right off waiting for the launch of this game ...
its a pisstake
I get the feeling this delay will do more harm than good, considering the song n dance at E3 with the launch date announcement. Probably won't be out til summer time now just you watch. Either that or it'll be another Duke Nukem Forever until it gets announced as a launch title for Playstation 4 - complete with 3D, Move support, Super HD and steering wheel....and after all that watch it be a pile of shit too. They should just release the sodding thing already and leave well enough alone!
I get the feeling this delay will do more harm than good, considering the song n dance at E3 with the launch date announcement. Probably won't be out til summer time now just you watch. Either that or it'll be another Duke Nukem Forever until it gets announced as a launch title for Playstation 4 - complete with 3D, Move support, Super HD and steering wheel....and after all that watch it be a pile of shit too. They should just release the sodding thing already and leave well enough alone!

A further delay has come as no suprise tbh. It was due to be released back in 2007, and its now 2010! As Raven said, I fully expect this to be further delayed, and probably put back so far that it will be a launch title for PS4. Can anyone even remember if GT4 was any good? I lost interest in them after GT3.
i'll be cancelling my pre-order if it isnt out before xmas... its a total piss take especially as it was rumoured to be launching in 2007. However 1 thing i'd like to point out that although the game has been in the pipeline for a very long time there has only really been 2 official release dates released by Sony/Polyphony Digitial. The 1st was a Japan launch in March 2010 and the 2nd one was this upcoming one in November. As far as i know, all the others were just rumours...

I suppose if its got anything to do with the jailbreaks etc then i can understand the delay but if its to do with game features, bugs and that kinda stuff then thats just takin the piss, as at this stage with what would have been a launch in 3 weeks, the game shoulda been ready....
this is taking the piss now, i'll be cancelling my pre order if it aint out before xmas. Just completely given up with it, SONY need to sort it out as it's the GT Fans that are being let down by this again and again.
I've had it on pre order for years and just had to put up with the wife, taking the piss when i told her.
Well im shocked.......Not Really, lets face it they have ****ed us around with this game for long enough, so i for 1 have given up on it. Pissed right off with all the new ****ing trailers "Coming Soon"........Well to be honest what dose'nt come soon ?

I just brought GT3 A-Spec and i personaly thing it's beats the shit out of GT5 Prolouge on the PS3, The gameplay is spot on, fair enought the graphics are a little dated, but its all about the gameplay. Pointless have nice shiney graphics if the gameplay is a load of shit (Look at the PSP release).......

I personally think this games will be the breaking of the PS3 its got a hell of alot to live up to. So sorry for moaning like a big girl but they can stuff it up there asshole :banana::banana::banana::banana:
A further delay has come as no suprise tbh. It was due to be released back in 2007, and its now 2010! As Raven said, I fully expect this to be further delayed, and probably put back so far that it will be a launch title for PS4. Can anyone even remember if GT4 was any good? I lost interest in them after GT3.

Funny you should mention that because there was only GT3 that I actually liked - I want to say I hated GT4 but tbh it's not that it's just it didn't hook me like GT3 did. So I figure that for me GT5 *if* it comes out (ffs lol) it'll either be awesome or not worth the wait at best. But for me GT3 is the benchmark for GT games to beat.
Funny you should mention that because there was only GT3 that I actually liked - I want to say I hated GT4 but tbh it's not that it's just it didn't hook me like GT3 did. So I figure that for me GT5 *if* it comes out (ffs lol) it'll either be awesome or not worth the wait at best. But for me GT3 is the benchmark for GT games to beat.

Yeah bang on m8, and the rally mode was freaking awesome.......

Long live GT3, it even come in a cool red box, I got mine from C3X in town for £2 :banana:
Funny you should mention that because there was only GT3 that I actually liked - I want to say I hated GT4 but tbh it's not that it's just it didn't hook me like GT3 did. So I figure that for me GT5 *if* it comes out (ffs lol) it'll either be awesome or not worth the wait at best. But for me GT3 is the benchmark for GT games to beat.

it better be awesome m8 or else there's gonna be plenty and i mean plenty of pi*sed of fans! i'll be one of them for sure.... for a game to be in production for so long, its gotta be perfect, its that simple really... that means no or almost no glitches, perfect online etc

i actually think it will be out before xmas, main reason being xmas... i think they'll be looking to push sales through the roof, possibly bring out a gt5 console or gt5 bundle etc.. also sony may want to push sales of the ps3 before xmas so what better way than coinciding it with the release of gt5?

also with the november release they woulda been competing with COD Spec Ops which is released on 9th November and there's no doubt that COD's gona be a big seller and gt5's main competitor in terms of sales around that time... this way gamers dont have to choose if they had to pick one or the other and with the festive season, parents, friends, family etc tend to be more generous with money/gifts etc so this could be an advantage for sony/poly digi/gt5...................................
Thats what f'in updates are for - I will be cancelling my pre order as of today $ony bastards. Thank fck for blackops
Yeah bang on m8, and the rally mode was freaking awesome.......

Long live GT3, it even come in a cool red box, I got mine from C3X in town for £2 :banana:

£2 @ Cex pmsl it's amazing what you can save if you shop around isn't it lol - bet it still wasn't worth the 3 hour wait in a queue that's about 10 people long, they fookin useless there just as well the music and the prices are half decent....I walked out today though, the queue wasn't that big but It'd been one of them afternoons I was fooked off anyhow and I'd been in the queue 10 mins and it just wasn't moving so I thought nah fook this I'll come back another time when I'm in a better mood I cba today. So I'll try again Monday hopefully it'll be speedier service then. Only thing I hate about CEX is they don't half take their sweet ass time serving people. I wouldn't mind but they don't do feck all but gab away for 5 mins between customers it's a piss take...

i actually think it will be out before xmas, main reason being xmas... i think they'll be looking to push sales through the roof, possibly bring out a gt5 console or gt5 bundle etc.. also sony may want to push sales of the ps3 before xmas so what better way than coinciding it with the release of gt5?

also with the november release they woulda been competing with COD Spec Ops which is released on 9th November

So what you reckon then, Dec 15 - 20 ? That's probably all it is a strategic thing, even though GT5 was meant to be out first before Blac Ops but still they'd be slitting each other's throats sales wise just a bit. Plus it's more money if they release around Christmas time gives it that extra sales bump. It also has the knock on effect of giving Poly Digi an extra month to polish their torpedos and all that jazz...it wouldn't surprise me if the game is all finished at this point and the gold master is sat gathering dust in a locked drawer being held back from taken to the mass manufacturing for a few weeks.
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ive given up waiting for it now and anyone know when ps4 is coming???????
I get the feeling this delay will do more harm than good, considering the song n dance at E3 with the launch date announcement. Probably won't be out til summer time now just you watch. Either that or it'll be another Duke Nukem Forever until it gets announced as a launch title for Playstation 4 - complete with 3D, Move support, Super HD and steering wheel....and after all that watch it be a pile of shit too. They should just release the sodding thing already and leave well enough alone!

whats the betting duke nukem forever comes out first lol