F A Q - Please Read First

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Inactive User
Aug 10, 2001
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essex colchester-ipswich
###########old outdated sticky###########
Welcome to the private room, made possible by Mickie & his great admin team.

This should help explain things simply, but please feel free to ask other questions.

1) Whats the plan?
-We have a plan to get a very select few of us together and obtain loads of great tv for minimal money. Pirate tv is unstable, subscription tv is too expensive, free tv is too rubbish, so here comes 'Netshare', the future in Digital TV.

2) Hold on, what do i need and how much it gonna cost?
-You need a satellite dish, you need a dreamb0x receiver & you need internet access for your dreambox.
A Satellite dish- most reading this will have already, even a minidish can be used if you only want sky&freesat. If you need a dish, or a 2nd dish to add with your minidish, then you dont have to go motorised. You could spend around £50 or maybe only £10quid for a minidish. A fixed dish will be very easy to set up yourself.
An internet connection, most have already, but I had to buy a switch and some cat5 cabling so that cost me about 30quid retail.
The dreambox is the main cost & currently comes in 3 decent versions; dm500si ; dm7020si ; dm7025 -Older versions are also available and will work but i'm only recommending these 3 here.
The dm500 costs ~150quid, the 7020 costs ~330quid, the 7025 costs ~420quid. Take a look at the other sticky- Which/Why...?

3) But dont i need to buy a smartcard to do 'cardshare'? how much will i need to spend on that?
-Each of us buying different subscriptions will not be a fair or an ideal way for this small 'netshare' to work.
At the moment we will get this system up and running at our cost and those that have existing cards they could share would help this become successful quickly. If you have a useful subscription card you wont have to chip-in any fee.
However, the long-term plan is to make this netshare as fair as possible and to save us all money. So the aim will be to charge a flat membership fee, currently estimated at ~£80 per year.
This private netshare is not about us making profit but you should be aware that the fee will eventually have to be paid into the kitty by everyone to make this a success. If you have a subscription card let us know asap.
You will not have to pay this fee immediately though, and we are all going to test and enjoy before collecting any funds, so maybe months away before any charge is due :).

4) I've only got a minidish & just want sky... I only want football... I hate sport... etc >>Why should i be paying the same fee as others?
-This netshare will not suit you then, thanks for reading and we ask that you keep this information to yourself. This system will work long-term if we share, keep it quiet and chip in a flat amount each. ANY official subscriptions will be more than you will have to pay into this pot, so if you dont want to pay the low amount then you obviously wont want subscription tv.
What you choose to view, or have access to is totally your choice.

5) What channels will this be for then?
-We plan to have all sky channels, except box office.
For those with real satellite dishes you will be able to clear popular packages like ART sports, Digitalb, top porn channels, and more.
Once we are established and funds have been collected we can continue to add whatever additional packages are necessary and grow depending on our discussions here.

6) This is totally illegal, will I get a 5am raid?
-Cardsharing is not illegal. It is difficult for us personally to argue why our router ports are open allowing a WAN to access our system, but those risks are at our end. There are no laws yet against sharing an official card on your own network, but it IS illegal to watch a subscription channel without paying the official way. So as long as you keep your eyes shut.... :proud:
Whether its pirate cable, satellite, movie downloads, software, whatever, your taking the same minor risk- no more no less.

7) Why be so secret then?
-From our shared config files and from IP details it will be easy for official cards to be disconnected. Our servers & equipment can also be taken so the less people that have the details = the better our long term survival.
We dont want to be pestered, we dont want to grow out of control, we dont want to make enemies when we say no and we cant afford a cat n mouse game with providers cutting us off.

8) I heard modshack were busted for this, Is Digital World safe?
-I personally think its total bull that they were busted for a cardshare. If they were then it was because they were making a profit and commercial gain is a different matter in the eye of the law. In any case there is no way that a legit forum could be shut because they had members that met there and discussed pirate stuff noooooo way joseeeeeee! Maybe the owner of the forum was using the same server for cardsharing..., i dont really care what they got up to. This has nothing whatsoever to do with DW and we are not using Mickies server or anything here in any illegitimate way. A cardshare is certainly not in the same league as hosting illegal software on ftp or p2p hubshares of pirate stuff. Spreading illegal files and links among dozens of members, and public posting of cable files/satellite files has to be more risk than pure discussion of networking our receivers.
The only difference with 'satellite' is that sky themselves take an active role in hunting down anyone who dont pay them to view their channels, and any files that may allow pirate viewing. Simply- dont tell anyone we have this, dont boast, keep cards close to your chest and we win. ;)

9) Why dont others do this then?
-There are likely tens of thousands already doing this, possibly hundreds of thousands europe-wide. There are lots of new receivers with cardshare facility, and many large commercial shares. The going rate is ~150 to ~200 quid to join a large commercial group. You can also get some receivers that include connection to a cardshare but thay are very unstable due to the amount of people that connect.
There is even a guy on ebay selling a pre-programmed dreambox500 for 370 quid, sold with connection to his private cardshare for 12months.
We want the best suited, not a massive group with high risk or fading support.

10) Will this be really complicated?
-A skydigibox is very simple but obviously very limited. The easiest real satellite receiver is the tm1500, but no use for sky/cardsharing. The dreambox can be difficult but we aim to keep it as simple as we can. The main problems most will find will be to do with setting up a working network.
Its no harder than learning to use a new piece of software that comes with a new bit of hardware in your pc. Once you play you will find it easy enough. The channel lists can be exactly how you want so you can keep it as basic as you want for the wife or kids to use, but dont expect it to be as simple as a dodgybox or tm1500, it is an enthusiasts receiver.
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