exc+w codes

It's like a feeding frenzy... The shack used to have a lock out at times like this...
I tried the keymaster ex c+w keys they never worked can anybody send me ones that do please?????

Thanks in advance.
pls pls can someon pm me the excw codes.

Thnx in advance
could be the answert heer seems to be a lot of newbies screaming for keys
no pm's till you get the thumbs up from 2 fellow 100+ers or mods lol sorted

The toolbar has been updated with the latest... Now be gone... No more people asking for them to be PM'ed... Read the posts and you will figure out how to do it now...

Give it a go, you might feel like you have acheived something...
Keymaster has been updated with the current keys for ex cable and wireless.
could some one tell me the last 2 digits of ex cw key 2 as for some reason they are not showing on keymaster (pm please)
the keys on keymaster are now working fine just to let you all know