EPG in internal flash


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VIP Member
Sep 21, 2007
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in the old DM800 days it was recommended not to save EPG data in interal flash, is this still the case with the newer ZGemma H2S or H2H boxs - I assume they have more internal flash storage compared to the DM800
in the old DM800 days it was recommended not to save EPG data in interal flash, is this still the case with the newer ZGemma H2S or H2H boxs - I assume they have more internal flash storage compared to the DM800

You would be fine mate as you say the flash is big enough to cope with the EPG file and a lot more.
in the old DM800 days it was recommended not to save EPG data in interal flash, is this still the case with the newer ZGemma H2S or H2H boxs - I assume they have more internal flash storage compared to the DM800

it will work fine stored on internal flash, The only thing I noticed was it took longer to scan and save the data to it.
Sorry to hijack the thread but it's relevant to me and no point starting a new one but I use cross epg and store to the hard drive.

Once I go to crossepg and download it shows perfectly but after a while (between a few days and a week) it won't show unless I'm on the channel.

Is this because it's saving to the hard drive and would work if I use internal or is it a different issue?

Select openATV as provider and set your EPG to download to HDD daily.
Do that about 15 minutes after your bouquets.
Ive my bouquets set for 5:30 then EPG to download at 5:45 daily.

It is not recommended to run EPG in internal flash.
It should warn you about that if you try it.

It could be ok but if you have HDD use that.

Box will not carry out the tasks if off at mains "odviously"

But if it's on standby it will. Just like you recording will still record on standby.
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Why would anyone want to use CrossEPG instead of EPG Importer?
It could shorted the life of the box by using internal flash,For the price of a cheap usb whats the point