edge supercard R4


Inactive User
Apr 16, 2008
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Hi, Guys and Gals

Hope you can help me on this one.

My wife purchased this device the other day and i installed the OS and some roms on it for her. She loves it.

My daughter want to get the adapter that fits in the DS/DSL. She does not have a computer at her own house and would like me to transfer some roms when she gets the adapter.

What i need to know is: Does the card that fits into the DS/DSL have to be identical to the one my wife bought or can a different one be used. I am pretty new to this sort of stuff and do not want to buy one that will not be compatible.

I would really appreciate your help on this. Also if you have a link where i can buy just the cart adapter part i would be grateful. There just seem to be so many different makes that i am confused.

Not sure what exactly you are asking for here but ii will try to answer.

If she wants the same as your wife then you have to buy another edge and memory card?

The software and roms will obviously have to be transfered to her cart from your computer, and then she will be in the same boat as your wife?

lots of places sell the ds/dsl carts, and the options are many R4/ttds/edge/m3/dsone etc.
They all are very similar in usage and each has its own different menus and selling points. (real time save/better memory card size etc) i prefer the R4 myself but for no other reason than i am used to it.
I get mine from supercardstore, and chris there is very helpful and will answer all of your questions.
As long as you get a slot 1 cart then you will be fine.

Hope that helps
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Thanks for that mate.

I have decided to buy the complete Edge R4 again for my daughter and a 2gig Micro SD.

Got the lot on Amazon.co.uk for £37.50 inclusive. The spare usb device will come in handy in case i break the one i am using at the moment.

Thanks again.
