Earth 'to be wiped out' by supernova explosion

lets hope it happens before we all nuke each other :eek:)
OK you heathens I am going to have to give it to you !

As my mate Stephen pointed out (Professor Hawking to you, the great unwashed !)...

As we know the Earth orbits the sun due to gravity, however if it was possible to make the sun disappear instantly then it would be perfectly reasonable to assume that the Earth would instantly change course and head in a straigh-ish line.

If it was the case that that gravitational attraction was less than or equal to the speed of light then the Earth would continue to orbit 'nothing' for a while before moving into a straight line, which is clearly not what would happen.

Thus showing that the force of gravity, not the speed of gravitational acceleration you light/dog abusing 'tards (no offence), must be faster than the speed of light.

Had enough Limey or you want summor ?

*sniff* (as Mozr would say)

I have actually tried to ring Stephen hawking to ask him about this but I keep getting his answerphone.
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I have actually tried to ring Stephen hawking to ask him about this but I keep getting his answerphone.

yer m8, you'll get him now.

he was on the phone to me pissin himself at you :Clap:.
i got myself a pair of welding goggles so i dont get a flash when it happens
Since it's the end of the world I say we all get naked and loot (the looting part is optional though)
typical american bullshite as usual....i think the yanks have been watching too many of their own send up bruce willis, billy bob thornton and ben affleck up into space, perhaps they can blow it up for us before it hits earth..:proud:
i just tested this, and light is faster

i teid a small dog to the floor, then armed with a laser pen and half a brick, i went up into the bedroom window, i pressed the button on the laser at the same time as i let go of the half brick, and the green dot was definatley on the dogs back before the brick hit him

i used a white dog so i could see the laser dot easier

Did you take into consideration the terminal velocity of the brick ?
as gravity is a force, does it have an 'actual' speed? the larger the mass creating the force, the greater the force, the closer the mass the greater the force, the speed of light is constant (through a vacuum)

its like measuring magnetism against abscence of heat, theyre different
as gravity is a force, does it have an 'actual' speed? the larger the mass creating the force, the greater the force, the closer the mass the greater the force, the speed of light is constant (through a vacuum)

its like measuring magnetism against abscence of heat, theyre different

Of course gravity has a speed ! otherwise we wouldn't have gravitational acceleration which of course we do, things accelerate to try and reach the maximum speed of that gravitational force.

You are right to say that you can't compare heat and magnetism, magnetism has a speed of propagation in the same way gravity has a speed.

Heat is the action of atoms and the radiation of invisible light, so you can compare one type of heat (radiated) with gravity but not the other.

Now get you coat and join the rest of the class outside, its play time.

As it looks like the end of the world, I see no reason why we shouldn't be honest with each other.

Life is obviously too short.

Here is the secret.

v14 loves horses.

When I say love I do not mean 'platonic' love. He has a farm that was left to him by an uncle. He spent the summer naked, sleeping in the stable with his loved ones. They eat out of the same nose bag, lie on the same straw bed, and he even went as far as to nail horse shoes onto his feet.

The last time I called round he had got Daisy pregnant. She gave birth to three foals, who were at first glance completely normal. It was only upon close inspection that it was made clear that they had human knees, and spoken in a broken scottish dialect.

He hung them outside the stable. Distraught, Daisy ran into a wall and killed herself.

He has now taken to running around the farmyard, wearing only a kilt, holding it like a ballet dancer singing the theme tune to black beauty.

I don't even blame him for this. When the universe is so random that life on earth can be wiped out by an event thousands of light years away, why shouldn't we find happiness where ever we can.