Dw Store


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
Reaction score
yes thats not your imagination

its Digital Worlds very own store lol (no we dont sell anything) its plain old fun you get credits for posts and donations from other members with lots of credits etc

its all fun experiment with it :)

you can buy things in the store with your credits

PS im trying to work out how to get rid of the $ sign everywhere lol and change it to credits or i might find a weird symbol for it :)

so have fun and remember im adding the store to the games so no posts no credits no credits no games ..... but its not all bad :) get a certain amount of points and you win jackpot :)
and im watching you magnet lmfao your scores are a bit high lol
fantastic idea but you shop is very expensive mickie i wanted to get rid of some of my red cards not sure how many i have now but i dont have enough dosh yet to get rid of one any chance of knocking down the prices a bit ? :( i would watch that magnet to he is a bit to good at some of these games i think he is useing his magnet to slow down the games :p also are these points random as i made a post before and got 3 points and then another and got 1 point then when i looked again i had 4 extra points ??????
them scores just show mis-spent youth mickie!:D:
i hope ur watching damage as well mickie, as i dont see another name in the top 20 of the space invaders score board????

i've changed my tactics in light of new info about space invaders, so it wont b long now damage!:D:
magnet i hate you i got 303 you have 304 ur a lucky git:mad:

lol im gonna beat u
how do we get cedits coz some ppl have 200+ with only 19 posts in the lives:confused:
it works like this you get 6 credits for each post and 3 credits for a reply :) nice and easy so far :)

but i donated that guy your talking about 200 credits to get the ball rolling and he made a post that impressed me :)
mickie, can i have a glowing name please, coz no ones gona beat my tetris score!

keep trying monkey and i'll keep pushing the scores higher!:p
Look Da you have 2003 Credits how did that happen ??? LMFAO
ooo thats nice :)

now all the mods will bang on about being unfair lol

PS Magnet i gave you 100 credits if you can beat my score on breakout i give you a 1000 more ;)

good hunting and good luck
i think that anyone holding a top score at a game should be given 500 credits or else no fecker will be able to buy anything come on mickie this is a fantastic post worth A LEAST 250 CREDITS ;)
Just heard a sad tale on the radio. Listen to this! Some guy has popped his cloggs while playing on-line games in an internet café.
Apparently he spent 86 hours there and didn’t eat or drink anything..
It didn’t say what the cause of death was though.

I know I shouldn’t joke about it, but I hope its not one of our lot trying to win enough credits to buy a glowing name :D:

Magnet m8 r u still with us?:D: :D:
lol yep that sounds like it may be magnet he has a fatal attraction to these games there is a little pun in there.. i think i will just settle for a glowing bell end as there is no chance of getting a glowing name i bet i would get half way there and splash out on being able to change someones name ;)
LMFAO ..... i hope to magnet still with us :)

but hey damage i think i gave you 100 already ok top scores from 5pm tonight all get 500 credits :) as a pressie