Dreambox Telnet SSH Commands List


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
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Does anyone have a dreambox commands list for use in Telnet or SSH (putty etc)

I am looking for specific commands so I can write a new plugin for Rat :)

I thought it might be a nice idea if we can list down the commands we all know.

Mostly the list is based on linux commands, but quite a few are not used.

Dreambox Telnet Commands list:

  • top - this commands will give you current stats of your memory, cpu, program usage.
  • find - this command will find a file or folder within your dreambox directory structure.
  • rm - remove command will remove files normally followed by -rf for a complete removal from the system.
  • df - will show you the file system and the file system setup.
  • free - this command shows you the memory usage on your dreambox.
  • date - shows you the time and date on your dreambox.
  • unzip - this command will unzip files to a location of your choice. IE (unzip -o /tmp/Latest.zip /media/hdd/latest) that would take a file in the tmp folder and unzip it into /media/hdd/latest.
  • tar - roughly is the same as unzip and zip but for tarball files.
  • gzip - for zipping and unzipping gz files.
  • cp - the copy command, this will copy a file from one location to another.
  • mkdir - this command will make a directory of your choice.
  • uname - usually followed by -a will tell you what operating system you are using, very useful command for checking what box you are using and build times etc!
  • ls - this is the list command will list the contents of a directory.
  • which - nice command to find the location of a program.
  • chmod/chown/adduser/deluser/ - these are all user and group management commands... there are a few more but these are the obvious ones.

Dreambox Advanced Commands:

  • ipkg-build - this command will build you a plugin once you have wrote the plugin in correctly written bash.
  • ipkg-unbuild -this dreambox command will unbuild a plugin see above.
  • dmesg - used with (dmesg | more) is a very powerful and first call diagnostic tool in linux
  • grep - put this in here as its probably the most used command in linux and very powerful for searching files and listing information in order.
  • wget - by far my favorite command on linux platforms and so underrated, I can do with this command things that people would not believe, however its main use is for getting information/files/ from another location on the internet or lan.
  • enigma1 - this is the base command for enigma1 boxes, only use this command if you know what you are doing... a useful command for use is (enigma --help)
  • enigma2 - this is the base command for enigma2 boxes, only use this command if you know what you are doing... a useful command for use is (enigma --help-all)

All I could think of at the moment,

I am basically looking for a command to output the enigma version of a file, but not having much luck, I thought uname might have the details... I used find but no luck... looks like I will need to find the file that uses the enigma1 or enigma2 name/text whatever, and then grep the file, but the file has to be universal on all platforms.

Hope this was useful :)

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I just worked it out :)

which enigma2
which enigma1

Happy days :)

Free space on flash

df -h .

more for my reference :)
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