dreambox 500s as server port forward issue

Ok going out on a limb here,
delete your CCcam.cfg file from your box (back it up first ),
reboot your box and try canyouseeme.org again.
If that doesn't work m8 put your CCcam.cfg back on the server box,
but this time change the port to something else in the cfg file and then forward the new port,
its possible but unlikely your isp is blocking port 12000.
iv tired that as well mate, i changed the port to 89123 and tried that as well, but again it would not work :(
What image are you using?

Do you have a firewall on your pc that maybe blocking incoming requests?
Ok can you telnet into your box and when logged in at the command prompt type ps and hit enter,

You will get lines of code but CCcam should be one of them,if not then its not running.
cheers mate for all your help, after i changed the image it worked staight away! it see's the port with no problems at all and its working as it should be!

thanks again mate for your help!