[DOWNLOAD] OpenATV 4.2 for Lonrisun V4 (No gles/xbmc)

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CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD >>>>> OpenATV 4.2 for Lonrisun V4 (No gles/xbmc)


  1. Created from original image dated 2015-04-08 (No update of an older image, no rebuild/self-compilate!)
  2. Lonrisun drivers September 2014 (Same as in PBnigma) -> no gles/xbmc possible, no newer drivers available :(
  3. Triple update protection: Write protected drivers, artificially increased driver version numbers and an opkg wrapper, preventing unsafe package installations/upgrades, even when using the menu!
  4. Clean image: Starts with setup wizard
  5. oscam pre-installed, web interface on port 8888 (http://vusolo2:8888 resp. http://<IP of the box>:8888)
  6. oscam, Samba and streaming IPv6 ready

If you do not want to use oscam or not my package of it, just uninstall the package "enigma2-plugin-softcams-oscam-schimmelreiter".

Online Updates:
Via menu or on the shell using
opkg update && opkg upgrade

opkg is wrapped to prevent driver upgrades and remove gles/xbmc whenever it is installed as dependency.

Although they should be safe, nevertheless online updates are done on own risk!
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I'm afraid xbmc, full hd 1080 skins and animated screens will not work due for those with a Lonrison/Dragonworth clone. This is due to lack of support from Lonrison so drivers are really old (nearly a year old in fact). Kodi maybe your best bet.