#### Dons Specialist Image ####

Haven't tried this yet but sounds impressive, will put it on tonight. BTW, the start up files look nice and tidy ;).



the people that tested it was impressed with the logos too

i think most important is that it has instructions to add your own logos and your own animations too and that impressed the testers too lol

also the quality and smoothness of the picture and what with the fancy brandnew yweb

we thought it will go down a treat!
Don m8 where's the hardware settings on this image m8 ? had a few pic freezes, thought might be some settings need tweaking, also in driver and boot settings all options are switched on, are these the correct settings for sagem 2x?

Apart from the pic freezes lovely image m8, but back to the don v2 for now as has been most stable for me.

Thx :Cheers:
Don m8 where's the hardware settings on this image m8 ? had a few pic freezes, thought might be some settings need tweaking, also in driver and boot settings all options are switched on, are these the correct settings for sagem 2x?

Apart from the pic freezes lovely image m8, but back to the don v2 for now as has been most stable for me.

Thx :Cheers:

the dons extras in the main menu change your ucodes or whatever

in the driver & boot options switch off the use hardware sections

save settings reboot
Hi nice image no problems at all here running for 24 hour no hickup thanks****
the dons extras in the main menu change your ucodes or whatever

in the driver & boot options switch off the use hardware sections

save settings reboot

Thx m8 will give that a shot.
This comment probably applies to all images not just this one, but being a bit of a dbox noob i thought i'd ask here. I've installed this image, set my location and scanned- no problems there, got all my channels. My question is to do with boquets, as a default all the channels are in the unsorted boquet, nothing in the others, now when i download boquets and sevices using boquet wizard it shows all the channels nicely sorted into their correct boquets, except there is a big red cross next to each channel in the 'selected boquet' tab. Is there anyway to automatically correct this, or do i have to do it manually? and is it like this due to different freq's, area's, etc?

Thanks for a great image.
This comment probably applies to all images not just this one, but being a bit of a dbox noob i thought i'd ask here. I've installed this image, set my location and scanned- no problems there, got all my channels. My question is to do with boquets, as a default all the channels are in the unsorted boquet, nothing in the others, now when i download boquets and sevices using boquet wizard it shows all the channels nicely sorted into their correct boquets, except there is a big red cross next to each channel in the 'selected boquet' tab. Is there anyway to automatically correct this, or do i have to do it manually? and is it like this due to different freq's, area's, etc?

Thanks for a great image.

should of kept the bouquets thats in there and set your location then fast scan on and leave current for bouquets

save settings then do a fast scan when finished they all should be in a order like the cable companys apart from a few channels

so go with the original bouquets thats in the image you will be fine no probs at all
Thanks for the reply, i thought i did that but maybe not, i'll reflash and try again tomorrow.
Ok tried reflashing again. Set my area, checked fast scan was on and leave current for bouquets was selected (both default in the image anyway). Did a scan, but same as before, i get all the channels but all appear in the the unsorted boquet. All the boquets are there but empty. When i import them using boquet wizard it shows all the channels sorted into the correct boquets but with a red cross next to each channel, although in the services list (the left hand side of boquet wizard) it has the correct icon next to each channel.

Thanks in advance.
Ok tried reflashing again. Set my area, checked fast scan was on and leave current for bouquets was selected (both default in the image anyway). Did a scan, but same as before, i get all the channels but all appear in the the unsorted boquet. All the boquets are there but empty. When i import them using boquet wizard it shows all the channels sorted into the correct boquets but with a red cross next to each channel, although in the services list (the left hand side of boquet wizard) it has the correct icon next to each channel.

Thanks in advance.

the red cross normally means its hidden

try this one


service -- channel order

highlight one with a red cross and press the dbox button at the bottom of the screen the blue toggles between

rename-- hide --- lock with every press of the dbox button

so choose hide then press the blue button to unhide then back n save n try

that should do the trick

let me know
Ok i tried that, but all the boquets are already unhidden, i tried hide, save, then unhide, save. The problem seems to be none of the boquets have any channels allocated to them, at least in the on screen boquet editor. As i said in boquet wizard they are all allocated correctly just having the big red cross next to them. Also boquet wizard shows them all as unhidden.
I notice if i look at the boquet service properties, for instance BBC ONE England the details for TSID ONID SID are different to the properties when i look at BBC ONE in the services list (hope that makes sense), i think this is where the problem lies, the boquet services properties are different to the service list properties.
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Exellent image m8, well done, only problem for me is the bolton settings in setmylocation.conf is wrong its set to 6887 and it should be 6952, edited it and ok, apart from that everything works a treat.

Cheers Derek
Very nice image, well that was to be expected from you as usual. I like the aded extras like lcd and ani choice. All working fine here. Your images will be missed but goodluck with the dreambox.

Just tried a test, if i edit the boquet service properties and change the SID and TSID to match the service properties (in the left hand side of Boquet wizard) then the red cross dissappears and is replaced by the correct icon, then upload to my box and the channel appears in it's correct boquet.
Just tried a test, if i edit the boquet service properties and change the SID and TSID to match the service properties (in the left hand side of Boquet wizard) then the red cross dissappears and is replaced by the correct icon, then upload to my box and the channel appears in it's correct boquet.

well im glad you sorted it out in the end

:Clap: :Clap:
Thanks for the help. Would i be right in saying this problem is due to fact the included boquets are for a different provider than i have (TW)?
Although your other image - "The Don V2 1X Set up for a Sagem. " works perfectly straight away on my other box, didn't have to scan, set location or anything.
Thanks for the help. Would i be right in saying this problem is due to fact the included boquets are for a different provider than i have (TW)?
Although your other image - "The Don V2 1X Set up for a Sagem. " works perfectly straight away on my other box, didn't have to scan, set location or anything.

not too sure about that one tell you the truth just strange thats all

the main thing is you got it up n running

Thanks for the help. Would i be right in saying this problem is due to fact the included boquets are for a different provider than i have (TW)?
Although your other image - "The Don V2 1X Set up for a Sagem. " works perfectly straight away on my other box, didn't have to scan, set location or anything.

I would say that means your in the same area as super lfc who uploaded the 1x version.
Exellent image m8, well done, only problem for me is the bolton settings in setmylocation.conf is wrong its set to 6887 and it should be 6952, edited it and ok, apart from that everything works a treat.

Cheers Derek

this is a issue as i think there are a few types floating around at the moment m8

maybe a idea if someone can post and maybe stick it or place it somewhere like a sticky with plugins and extras then all modders and compilers know where to get the best and upto date stuff for the images

best to have all in one place dont you think

just an idea!!!!

Put this image onto my dbox this morning been running smoothly ever since... had a lot of problems with the dbox lately seems to crash every few hours first image in a long time to run this long without 1 single problem.
Great image.... Great job guys, loving you for this image top notch cheers :)

Just got a dreambox myself in the bedroom cant wait till u get working on images for that will be a great addition im sure.

Thanks again guys