#### Dons Specialist Image ####


Inactive User
Aug 18, 2006
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get it here


mrdontay and nj2006 presents

The Specialist

and now for something completely different

First up its finale for me as dreambox on its way

So The Dons image will be no more and that is why its something a
little different from the wonders of the uk cvs and the
fantastic images that are around at the moment.

bouquets for all areas by nezzeo and works a treat for everyone

Ok so little things like making the image a little more english
type so we can understand things simpler for us all like for instance
in the current channel guide it states event list - itv3 but now it says
whats on - itv3 and so on. It has a few more changes to make it easier well
for me anyway lol

ber / snr page showing cable uk now as well not cable cable.

streamlined plugins menu's no more blue button blue button to get extra's


via blue button

startup "logos"


You can choose lcd logos for when the dbox boots up and also get a
preview of the logos as well with a confirmation as well.


You can choose animation logos for when the dbox boots up and also get a
preview of the animation as well with a confirmation as well.

camds versions are shown while choosing your selection as well.

2.1.3 Uk Yweb with Built in links to the well known dbox helpfile.

for the infobar scrolling goto settings then misc settings then

enable infobar vitual zap --- on or off

epg info brings the infobar on automatically when a new program starts so turn that on as well put it on advanced then

save your settings and enjoy

it has other things i have tried to simplify the plugins i hope you all
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Thanks for this one MrDontay. Sounds like its a good one.

Sorry to hear you wont be working on any more DBox images but hey, its good you have a Dreambox on the way. :)

I hope to see lots of 'Don' images when I get me Dreambox!
i'm going to dig out my dbox for a play :)

i got my dreambox a couple of weeks ago and i'm very impressed.
gr8 image m8 even if i do say so myself . glad to of been part of it .......

good luck with the dreambox :Cheers:
Been waiting for this thanks to both for your hard work.
Just started playing around with the dreambox good fun m8.

hi mrdontay
sorry to here your not doing any more images for the dbox really liked your inigma image .
going to give The Specialist image a try does it have the latest camds as i noticed mgcamd & evocamd were updated a few days back and good luck with your new dream box im going for one my self after xmas.
will let you's know if there are any probs and thanks for sharing mrdontay and nj2006 :Cheers: :Cheers: :Cheers: .

hi mrdontay
sorry to here your not doing any more images for the dbox really liked your inigma image .
going to give The Specialist image a try does it have the latest camds as i noticed mgcamd & evocamd were updated a few days back and good luck with your new dream box im going for one my self after xmas.
will let you's know if there are any probs and thanks for sharing mrdontay and nj2006 :Cheers: :Cheers: :Cheers: .


thanks for all your support to all that enjoy the dons images

also yes very latest camds installed as well
This is great news for us db owners!!! your images are excellent m8 on the dbox that is can't wait for your first db effort!!:banana: :Clap:
Thanks for your hard work here, but! i have a little problem. I set my location, box reboots commence a channel scan it finds all the usual channels but unlike any other image i have used (i probably have tried all the the newest images of late) it says channel not available (the epg displays the channel name), have i done something wrong here?, usually after the channel scan i get instant tv, but not in this case.:FRIGHT:
Thanks for your hard work here, but! i have a little problem. I set my location, box reboots commence a channel scan it finds all the usual channels but unlike any other image i have used (i probably have tried all the the newest images of late) it says channel not available (the epg displays the channel name), have i done something wrong here?, usually after the channel scan i get instant tv, but not in this case.:FRIGHT:

very strange indeed there!

is there a myservices.xml file in the var/tuxbox/config/zapit if so delete it restart box all should be fine
nope it's not in there, just bouquets.xml,services.xml and zappit.conf
nope it's not in there, just bouquets.xml,services.xml and zappit.conf

no channel available

can be a number of problems

what channels are you getting that message on

what area are you in

check your signals as well
Putting commando 6 back on box now to see what happens, again following the same procedure as i always do. will report back soon
commando 6 back on no probs, That's very puzzleing to say the least, any idea's?
commando 6 back on no probs, That's very puzzleing to say the least, any idea's?

well the image has been fully tested for telepest areas and ntl areas and all working fine

well you know the old saying some boxes like some images and some dont

even stranger when the dwpro - commando6 is all working from the same cvs really just strange thats all

the testers comeback as perfect fast scanning for 6592 - 6887
Well heres my feedback


Everything just works, well done Guy's

Excellent Pic quality

simple and easy menus

love the fact I can change lcd logo and animation

The Bouquet for all areas is a big advantage

usual fast channel changes and boot up

the boot screen is one of the best Ive seen, someones put a lot of effort into that,

and the Y-Web nice one NJ excellent job, now includes PT-1's help file

only prob Ive had is with dboxshot via y-web crashes out on me.

Well heres my feedback


Everything just works, well done Guy's

Excellent Pic quality

simple and easy menus

love the fact I can change lcd logo and animation

The Bouquet for all areas is a big advantage

usual fast channel changes and boot up

the boot screen is one of the best Ive seen, someones put a lot of effort into that,

and the Y-Web nice one NJ excellent job, now includes PT-1's help file

only prob Ive had is with dboxshot via y-web crashes out on me.


thankyou coming from you that means something great

ok how many dboxshot files is there out there lol

please if someone can share them that would be fine with instructions on how to use the files please
Have to agree with renwich a very nice image very well done lads and a Christmas present to boot - Image Information Date 25.12.2006 - Nice One.

: santahat

Haven't tried this yet but sounds impressive, will put it on tonight. BTW, the start up files look nice and tidy ;).
