#### Dons Specialist Image ####

Download the file and it should normally end with .tar

Open Yweb (if that part works)
Choose Tools
Choose yInstaller
Choose your file and click on install

If above doesn't work ftp to your box and overwrite the files
Open Yweb (if that part works)
you lost me on that part. i think you mean through internet explorer? but thats 'page cannot be displayed' error

If above doesn't work ftp to your box and overwrite the files
that sounds like it might do the trick, do you know which ftp folder is it? ive had a browse through but i cant see anything which matches the .tar files. also im hoping i dont need to compile the files?

maybe, but then again maybe not. as there is no conversation of yweb in this thread. Ive also started my own ones. which nobody has yet managed to help me.

sorry m8 my mestake the faulty y web was with dw-pro. starting seprate threads wont get your question answered faster. and the way you say nobody yet has managed to help. you say that as if us developers are here for just you.

also mrdontay says

so what is this talk of downloading it and installing it yourself? when it seems to already have it included in the image? i dont understand... i must be doing somthing wrong, but ive tried everything

only 2 things i can suggest at moment sorry :

if you have a proxy set up in webbrowser tools >> internet options >>>
conection >>> lan settings . this will cause no yweb to show .


you will need to reflash the image with the dons specialist with special files.

the reason your yweb isnt working has to be down to a bad flash.
i have just loaded this image back to my sagem 2x and its yweb works fine.

hope this gets you somwhere .
you lost me on that part. i think you mean through internet explorer? but thats 'page cannot be displayed' error

that sounds like it might do the trick, do you know which ftp folder is it? ive had a browse through but i cant see anything which matches the .tar files. also im hoping i dont need to compile the files?


you will need to unpack the tar file and place the http-y files


and then place the files in the bin folder to /bin on the ddbox chmod 755 the files.

reboot the box and it should be all done for you.
you say that as if us developers are here for just you.

sorry if i came across wrong. I just know theres people here with alot more technical knowledge than myself when it comes to dbox's.

it was strange because the "/share/tuxbox/neutrino/httpd-y" folder was empty. I did try to copy the files manually but couldnt get it working. I installed commando6 image and its working now. shame because i prefer dontays releases. thanks for your help tho nj
I was wondering if i have a problem with my sort channel option, as when i open sort channels, all the channels are unreadable , example, no_pig24, no_pig16, D18, e.t.c. they should read bbc, itv e.t.c. Any idea what ive done wrong or how to correct it, if i add a new buquet then add channels they are all correct names