Do you eat your 5 a day?


Inactive User
Jun 14, 2005
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Dumbarton or Wellingborough
i would rather eat a nectarine or an apple over a chocolate bar any day

and give me a plate of mince 'n' toties with turnip or brussles before you give me frikin chips AGAIN!

but does anyone actually eat five a day every day?

i drink a lot of tomato juice, does that count?
i find it really hard to eat five a day tbh.

i go into hospital everyy 6 months or so to get my cholesterol levels checked (family problem). when i am there i ask the nutritionist about this and she tells me that 5 a day is just a gimmick, we need to be eating a lot more than 5 a day, in fact she gave an estimate of 10 - 13 peices of fruit/veg a day!

not sure i could handle that myself
i find it really hard to eat five a day tbh.

i go into hospital everyy 6 months or so to get my cholesterol levels checked (family problem). when i am there i ask the nutritionist about this and she tells me that 5 a day is just a gimmick, we need to be eating a lot more than 5 a day, in fact she gave an estimate of 10 - 13 peices of fruit/veg a day!

not sure i could handle that myself

10-13 pieces, holy crap. Thats alot of fruit!
I drink plenty of water and try eat healthly (plenty Fruit & Veg). I to would prefer fruit over chocolate anyday although I do have a wee biscuit with a cuppy now and again?

If I can just try and cut down my Alcohol intake i'd be as fit as
I'm nowhere near the 5 a day let alone the 10 a day :) have veg on a night with my tea but only have fruit before I play football usually a banana :) So my question is can I adequately top up the nutrients I'm clearly missing with the miracle tablet called a multi vitamin ?? :)

Don't eat fish either so would a Cod liver oil tablet do ? :)

The yanks have been popping multivitamins for years and look at the state of there health :)

Hmmm think I may have an apple tonight :)
When I am at work...yes definetly eat more than 5 pieces of fruit, maybe 6 or 7 pieces. Always like veggies with my dinner. If I am not at work, then I would really only eat 1 or 2 bits of fruit. I do still have the very odd bar of choccie and the occassional Kebab (do I get brownie points for having lettuce on it).
i would rather eat a nectarine or an apple over a chocolate bar any day

and give me a plate of mince 'n' toties with turnip or brussles before you give me frikin chips AGAIN!

but does anyone actually eat five a day every day?

i drink a lot of tomato juice, does that count?

well a tin of tomatos counts a 2 portions of ur fruit and veg so i would say that maybe a 200ml glass of tomato juice would count as at least 1 portion
beans also count as well so if you were to have beans on wholemeal toast with a glass of tomato juice followed by an apple or something you got 3 portions in one meal already
i never eat 5 a day i try to eat at least 2 bits of fruit a day but not always i hate vegetables so dont eat them at all.
5/day should be a minimum and it can be done easily. Get yourself a jack la lanne fruit sqeezer and you'll be having 5 pieces of fruit for breakfast easily.

Have a salad with carrots, broccoli, radish, cucumber, tomatoes and lettuce for lunch and you're on 10/day without breaking a sweat.

Have a super fruit like any berry ie strawberries, rasberries and blueberries with a touch of yogurt after dinner for desert to cap off that healthy day.

I find it easier to eat healthy when you are eating less meat. I eat meat on a Sunday and find that this arrangement suits me fine.

Your metabolism will kick into overdrive so may sure there is a clean toilet at work lol
Well I try my best these day , have an apple every day , salad or veg , full fruit yogurt .

Have watched what I eat for many years now , as I almost died through salmonella poisoning 13 yrs ago , went from 8 1/2 stone down to 6 1/2 , and 2 months in hospital and 18 months off work .
I don't get to eat anywhere near my 5 a Day. Although i try and eat healthily. I hardly drink, or eat chips, takeaways etc. Love me veggies, and salads.

When we get fruit in though, i do eat a fair bit.
I eat healthy , cook all my own meals so i know what goes into them, i try to have a salad each day, i eat plenty Veg, and snack at fruit between meals. I hate sweets, chocolate e.t.c.
Only problem is i love my beer too much, so i am overweight, i would hate to think what weight i would be if i ate junk food as well as drink.
im usless does 5 bottles of baileys count I should really eat better ill start tommoraz and see if i can stick it for week
Really don't eat my 5 aday, altho drink lots of fruit juice. But im fit and healthy, i dont eat chips,burgers, suasages, bacon, potatoes just to name a few, really fusyy ... :bbq:
I try to eat 5 a day but sometimes I dont will try harder when on holiday
Well...i feel i am the authority on fruit n veg here, i work at new covent garden market and i am absolutlely surrounded by the stuff (well the fruit anyway casue thats my department)....i must eat easily 20 to 30 portions of fruit in my working day, especially this time of year, the soft fruit season is upon us and i am surrounded by the biggest nicest french peaches, necterine, apricots....i can eat every kind of apple you can think of, pink ladies being my fave...take today for instance, i have eaten 2 lovely ripe bannas, 3 peaches a necterine, 2 pink lady apples, quite a few apricots (fantastic when they are ripe), yellow plums, black plums, red heart plums, about the equivelant of half a large bunch of grapes in various colours and varieties and a navel a satsuma, a pakistani alfonso mango (fruit of the gods), a handful of the biggest plumpest sweetest dutch blackberries you have ever seen, raspberries, blueberries and some passion fruit (they are lovely straight out of the skin) thats what i can just remember eating..skins, seeds and everything....its funny...i never touch anything in the fruit bowl at homeand i eat no lunch or brekkie at work!! and needless to say i shit through the eye of a needle !!!!