Do conkers stop spiders ?


Inactive User
Jul 19, 2006
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On a cold and deserlet island
I have read various reports on whether spiders hate the smell of conkers so putting them inside your house (around windows etc) stops the buggers coming in.

I tried it last year and there did seem to be a difference but I dont know if that was concidence or not ?! Have you tried it and do you think it works ?

On a side note ...
I actually forgot to put some in the living room this year and the biggest bastward ever ran across the floor last night. I screamed like a girl and my wife grabbed it and chucked it down the loo ...phew! :)
I believe its an old wifes tale mate. Think it was disproven on either QI or Mythbusters. But it could of been a dream :?
They say it does work but ive never tryed it,
they say put them in corners also.

that big fecker ya saw last night will be a female spider looking for a male spider.
they dont mean to come into house because they will starve in side.

as soon as i see a spider i just bash its head in...i hate the feckers :proud:
They hate the smell of peppermint, so do mice, so you can burn some peppermint essential oil in an oil burner, or mix it with water and make a spray solution, or leave a few drops on a tissue on the radiator. :)
you realise that there are health and safety issues playing conkers these days
me and ellie1998 both terrified of spiders tho, me more so. i get like actual panic attacks. like sweating rigid fear etc.

if it one them big mother fkers the ones with bones and things . (least they look like they got bones.and the size of my hand.)

hubby tries to play it down so he dont have to deal with it. i kick up such a fuss and racket, he has no choice.

i'v no idea how to stop them, but whats worse is if hes gone to catch it AND DROPS IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then it runs off under furniture and ............waiting to come out and get me again. sooooo terrifying.

i remeber last year i think it was . someone posted "clock spider"? and a big nestfull in someones house? remember anyone? THAT WAS CHILLING xx
I was talking about this to my Mum last week she hates spiders and last year she put conkers down, she said she has only had to "deal with" (her words, read kill) 2 big ones and a few little ones all year.
b4 last year my dad always dealt with them and she said he was always having to chuck them out.
I actually told my daughter to get some and try last week cos I also read about it, I think I would need a chestnut tree in my living room cos I am killing 1 or 2 every day now and they are pretty big fekkers....they make a nice crunch sound when you squash then between your finger and thumb...:proud:
I walked through the kitchen into another room with my wife behind. She suddenly looked down and said YUK. So I looked down and there was a half squashed bugger. I had just stood on it with bare feet ... :Yikes: