dixons bans game


Inactive User
Aug 9, 2001
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High street store Dixons has withdrawn the video game Manhunt after a mother said the computer images drove a teenager to murder her son.

Stefan Pakeerah, 14, was repeatedly battered with a claw hammer and stabbed to death after being lured to a local park.

Seventeen-year-old Warren Leblanc pleaded guilty to murder at Leicester Crown Court.

The court heard in graphic detail how the defendant had armed himself with two weapons and killed his victim "in cold blood".

Moments later he confessed to the killing in Leicester when found covered in blood by two police officers.

The prosecution said Leblanc had planned to rob his younger friend to help repay a drugs debt.

But following the hearing, Stefan's parents said Leblanc had mimicked a horrific game in which the players score points for violent killings.

His grieving mother, Giselle, said: "I think that I heard some of Warren's friends say that he was obsessed by this game.

"To quote from the website that promotes it, it calls it a psychological experience, not a game, and it encourages brutal killing.

"If he was obsessed by it, it could well be that the boundaries for him became quite hazy."

His father, Patrick, added outside court: "They were playing a game called Manhunt. The way Warren committed the murder this is how the game is set out killing people using weapons like hammers and knives.

"There is some connection between the game and what he has done
I was just guner post this,whatever next,they keep going on about music/games being the main reason why people murder or attack people but its complete tosh,i may upset some people saying this but i love horror films and games where u kick the crap out of people but i aint guner do it to anyone just cuz ive seen or played it.... :mad:
i agree with you zoo 110% i was talking to bomber and taff and mindless about this last night on shoutbox lol

what a complete load of shit !!!!!!!

i played gta vice city and got pretty addicted to it lol .. i have not stole a car yet and i played it last year !

i dunno how people can blame there crazyness on plaging a game its complete bullshit !
well the wee man played vice city alll the time and he has not brung up any hookers for his old grandad yet ..lol..on a serious note i dont agree with the public a game can not turn someone into a killer or video so i say it is a lot of tosh..
nice to know u all agree with me
what a load of tosh
all they have done is promote the game ..ar**holes
U wait,i bet the game goes straight to number 1 ....
i dont blame game'e's' i blame the parnets.....

killing a few people on a game has never influanmced me to go kill...its utter BS...

that sort of games games hould not be banned!! besidies banning them is gonna wank to you make it you wana play more like iligal copes etc, then tere gonna mona about piracy...bloody ffs ... always piknig on games
i think some games may have a small influence on an alrdy unstable mind. but more of a way how to do it rather than making them do it...do u get what i mean?
Now common Huggs you said youd love to slap Bomber an Bert about after playing Mohaa Lmfao

Helooooooooooooooooooo Mummmmmmmmmmmmm its only a Commercial :) :)
NO NO NO man hunt is rated 18 so its the mum and dad fort they cant say it was the game