Did you ever do anything realy daft when you were wee?

i stuck me tounge into a ceiling light socket when it was turned on,now i know how superman flies (i think)
Some of these are belters!!!! Especially the trap door LOL

Here's one of many I did.
Remember the old soda syphons for making soda water???
It tasted pish but everyone had one in the 70's
You used to put a small green cartridge filled with compressed carbon dioxide in the end.
Well, I got one of those green things and put it on the open coal fire of the old lady next door, and went home.
We lived in a semi and our living rooms were back to back.
I'd been sat on the couch for only a couple of minutes when there was this allmighty explosion from next door and all the soot fell from our chimney into the living room.
We charged round to next door to find hot coals and a smouldering peice of metal on the rug.
Old dear had shat herself..............but she did that from time to time anyway so that might not have been my fault.

I've grown up now........................might have a go at one of those gas powered spud guns though ;)


i remember when i was younger i tried ripping up a £5 note because i didnt like how it felt but that was the last time i was given money lol

When I was seven or eight, I pushed a knitting needle in the earth of a socket in order to open the live and neutral. Then pushed a piece of wire in to both. Then switched it on.

Well, the wire just disintegrated and balls of molten metal started burning holes in the nylon bedroom carpet. And my heart was thundering.

Tw@t! : shocked2


that reminds me, once i wanted to play operation but i had no batteries, so i chopped up my mum and dads christmas tree lights and wired the + & - into a plug and switched it on.

all was well untill i actually tried to play it. FLASH!!!

all i can say is thank god for trip switches
I locked my parents out of the house when I was about 3. My dad was at work and my mum was hanging clothes out and I reached for the key and locked the door!

Also locked myself in the garage when I was about 5 trying to show off to my friends that I could unlock the garage door from the inside. Cable on the latch fell off as soon as I shut it from the inside!

Almost took off in my dad's car when I was about 3 too. It was an automatic and he never ever put the handbrake on.... just left it in park. I was in the car on my own and moved it into neutral.... didn't help living on the top of a hill! Dad saw me do it as he was coming towards the car and made a run for it!
Yeah done a good few things myself ,I remember once when i was a school i must of been a bad lad lol and the teacher sent me to the corner (this was in science btw) anyways acting like a fool ,normal for me in them days , i started dancing with the skelleton he had in the same corner as i was in next thing i know is i snap'd the wire that kept it all together and there were bone all over the floor ha ha .
i was accident prone when i was a kid ive drank bleech , i put me fingers in the plug spcket , got electricuted , me gran tried to pull me away also got bloodly electricuted , from breaking both my arms and stiches every ware i was always in and out of booth hall hospital , it got to a stage me gran refused to mind me
lol , im a bit better now that im 41 haha
my brothers and sisters used to make me eat worms ,used to walk on the canal when it was frozen my mam used to say "if you come back dead ill kill you" one xmas we put all our toys cardboard boxs onto the fire (used to have an open coal fire then ) and set fire to the lum firemen werent to pleased to get call out on xmas day lol
my bro once stabbed me in the leg with a pencil, i still got the lead in my leg
i put a few chocolate flavoured laxative pills in my brothers mouth while he was sleeping and he woke up covered in shit :)
got my ass kicked for that but it was well worth it lol
I lived in South Africa as a kid, me and my brother set fire to a large open area of grassland at the bottom of our street, little did we know that all the wildlife would run into the streets, we had thousands of poisonous snakes roaming the streets for weeks :)
i put a few chocolate flavoured laxative pills in my brothers mouth while he was sleeping and he woke up covered in shit :)
got my ass kicked for that but it was well worth it lol


That's brilliant mate. :)

Reminds me of something i did....

My mother had bought a jar of Lift Lemon Tea and I crushed an entire jar of Nylax laxitives into the tea, my brother brought his new Girlfriend home and I offered to make them all a nice wee cuppa.......everyone was fine, I don't think anyone had the shits but the new girlfriend was admitted to Glasgow Royal Infimrary with sever stomach cramps and had blood in her diarrhea!. :) :)

I made my brother get in a washing machine when I was 4. I then proceeded to turn it on and watch him spin. Luckily enough he kicked the door open
when i was a kid many many years ago, me and a m8 use to go round setting bins on fire and fecking up peoples cars. one day my mum found out she told me dad and he gave me a right old beating with his belt, never did that again. Oh yeh one other stupid thing i did, i set the waste bin on fire in the living room i burnt one side of the wall where the bin was, lucky i didn't burn the whole house down. .I was fascinated with fire when i was young don't know why.
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When I was 8 I found a can of paraffin and dropped a match into it, it exploded in my face burning most of the skin off, I had to go to school wearing a Balaclava for weeks. Worst 2 weeks of my life. : shocked2
When i was a nipper, I drank a whole bottle of cal-pol. got admitted to hospital and was given charcoal and whatever else they give u to chuck up.

Also ate one of them toilet blocks, cos it smelt like marzipan, yet again, up the hospital lol.

Was only a couple of years old thou.
stole a bottle of meths out me step dads shed went on a hay field poured it out and lit it before i knew it the whole field went up i was around 11 or 12 luckily didnt get caught but the fire was huge and wasted fire services valuble time but ofc i thought it would not be so severe.

had a chemistry set around 13 14 with a meth's bunson burner which i spilt while lit in me bedroom it went all down me trousers up me arm i was on fire lol. then the carpet went up and the bottle of meths i left with the top off got knocked over and went up too in the bloody doorway and i couldnt get out. i was screaming for me mum and she replied "if you want me come here".

so i shouted "my bedrooms on fire" she didnt believe me and replied "im not playing silly beggers mathew". "but mum helpppppppppppp".

she came up in the endand threw water on it. she then made me pay for the carpet out me pocket money. luckily meths burns as a vapour so i suffered no burns to myself before i put meself out.

that was the last time i played with meths or fire :)
When I Was About 5 Me And Me Mate Were Trying To Hide From This Other Boy So We Hid In My Mates Garage(his Dad Was A Mechanic) With A Pit In It So We Shouted This Other Boy And He Came In To The Garage On His Bike And Fell Down The Pit,, Our Parents Found Out And We Were Belted And Grounded For 2 Weeks Then When We Were Allowed Out Again We Had To Run Errands For His Mum For A Further Fortnight