Diablocam Wifi 2.3 / CCcam or Newcamd ?


DW Regular +
Dec 12, 2008
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Belgium, The land of waffles ! Really ?
I got this question from a member :
Quote >
Hi wolftje,

Reading some of your posts, it seems you know a lot about the diablo wifi cam.

Could you please help me? I am having a lot of issues using the cccam and was thinking about using the newcamd function instead.

Could you please explain how you would enter a newcamd server? Do i have to create a newcamd.cfg as there is not one present on my cam?

What is the format of the cfg file?

Any light on this matter would be amazing. for some reason cccam once connected to a server crashes and i have to reboot my receiver. no picture clears even though i have a working cline.

many thanks

Good things to know in advance !

When editing Diablocam configuration files always use an editor that creates
Unix/Dos compatible files as the Diablocam Wifi has trouble opening Dos files.
Ultra-edit, Notepad ++ will do this.
(Notepad++ is a free (as in "free speech" and also as in "free beer") source code editor)
Together with a Technomate receiver always use latest Patched Software.

I suspect Diablo CCcam Client not be 100% compatible with all STB's
A Diablo CCcam Client serves best with CCcam server version <= 2.1.x
I would recommend using my options in the DiabloCam but for some they do not work !
You can only add 1 CCcam Line into CCCAM.CFG
Some people have experienced great dificulties configuring the WIFI of the Diablo
Network settings = Take someone with you who understands this matter !
My Settings : AUTO PMT ON - EMU ON - N2 AU OFF - Fixed CW ON - DELAYER 2 - Prio cards - Emu - MSG Never - LOG OFF - SHARING CCCAM

Example of a CCcam Line in CCCAM.CFG (which resides into the Directory /EMU/CCCAM on the DiabloCam Wifi)
(SYNTAX > c: Ip/CCcamServerName port login pass)

c: cccamserver.dyndns.org 12000 secret pass
c: 12000 secret pass

I would recommend/insist on using small letters with CCcam.cfg

NEWCAMD.CFG ( (which resides into the Directory /EMU/NEWCAMD on the DiabloCam Wifi)
SYNTAX > n: server port user password DESKEY

N: 18000 dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
N: newcamdserver.dyndns.org dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

In certain cases Newcamd is much more stable than CCcam. I would recommend using newcamd when you want inhouse network access towards a local subscription card like Sly, Tv Vlaanderen, Telesat, ...
The Newcamd client is very fast and very stable. Quality of Internet access depends on the answer speed of the newcamd server.
A newcamd client is mostly used and works great when connecting towards NewCs (Newcardsharing on a local network of your subscription smartcard)
>>> I noticed the newcamd client is much more stable with max. 4 connections.

I hope this answers gave you something to start with ?
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