Credit where credit is due


Elite Member
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
Yet again it goes to the AA. On the way to work I heard a knocking sound from the car, then all the warning lights came on and stayed on , then the engine sounded like a cement mixer. I was not to far from the office so continued the journey.

Once there called the AA and they arrived within 30 mins, Very quickly he established the issue was my alternator, and asked me if I would like a price, I said yes but unfortunately they could not get the right one for my car. So he took me to a garage around the corner and although they could get the part they would not be able to fit it today and it would cost £300.

So I asked him if I bought the part could he fit it, and what that would cost, Now here is the surprising bit the answer is yes he could and he has to take me to buy the part (to make sure its the right one) I have to buy it and the fitting is free.
So £150 for the part and 90 mins latter I have a working car again, at 1/2 the price the garage would have charged.

I did give him a good tip as i was a very happy customer