Count to 1000 with pictures

Oh dear, my last one was completely wrong. For some reason I thought the next should be 561. (5, 6 pick up sticks and one potato... ) A senior moment I'm afraid.

So 557 is missing. :(
For some reason I thought the next should be 561.

What is this reason??

Thank you for the headache:silly:, I was looking for the meaning of your pictures...

I offer you this one
:slaps: Shame on me, my brain must be damaged too.

You know, in France, we don't have the same hour.

I'm really sorry.

So, we're back to 560 (5:60 are 6 o'clock!!)
:slaps: Shame on me, my brain must be damaged too.

You know, in France, we don't have the same hour.

I'm really sorry.

So, we're back to 560 (5:60 are 6 o'clock!!)

No - I like your 6 O'clock = 5:60

So the next one ought to be 562