copper looses it

how grown up of him trying to show someone up just doing their job.

Police - damned if they do, damned if they don't.
If the guy did indeed jump a red light on his cycle then he is a nob. Just because he is a cyclist does not make him excempt from the law of the road.

If a car had run a red light and knocked him off his cycle he would be wanting action taken against the driver of the car.
Watched this and the first thing that struck me was if the dude on the bike was wearing a camera as a recorder of any incidents then why didn't he show the lights as he went through them, surely that's the point, copper wrong-cyclist right???

If the copper was wrong then and acted that way with me and I had the proof I'd be down the nick and have him spoken to and get it sorted, we have enough to contend with on todays roads without some power crazed loopy copper but I suspect he didn't show the footage because he had crashed the lights, after all what use is wearing a recording device, I thought the point was to provide proof in case of an accident and/or incident?

I may be wrong but if I was that copper and he had ran the light I would have nicked the prick and used his own camera evidence against him, that said the copper did lose it, but who wouldn't when you deal with the s**t coppers have to deal with, all you need is a prick looking for you tube fame.

Don't get me wrong I'm no fan of the bobbies but if I had a pompous tw@t like that to deal with, and I knew he was in the wrong, I'd have just carted him off down the nick and reviewed the camera footage.

Pushbikers do themselves no favours with this stuff.
Watched this and the first thing that struck me was if the dude on the bike was wearing a camera as a recorder of any incidents then why didn't he show the lights as he went through them, surely that's the point, copper wrong-cyclist right???

If the copper was wrong then and acted that way with me and I had the proof I'd be down the nick and have him spoken to and get it sorted, we have enough to contend with on todays roads without some power crazed loopy copper but I suspect he didn't show the footage because he had crashed the lights, after all what use is wearing a recording device, I thought the point was to provide proof in case of an accident and/or incident?

I may be wrong but if I was that copper and he had ran the light I would have nicked the prick and used his own camera evidence against him, that said the copper did lose it, but who wouldn't when you deal with the s**t coppers have to deal with, all you need is a prick looking for you tube fame.

Don't get me wrong I'm no fan of the bobbies but if I had a pompous tw@t like that to deal with, and I knew he was in the wrong, I'd have just carted him off down the nick and reviewed the camera footage.

Pushbikers do themselves no favours with this stuff.

I agree 100% bud !

I ride a motorbike in London, and the cyclists are a fooking menace !!! they come on your near side/off side - any bloody side ! jump red lights and cut across in front of you at junctions.....
This video is private.
Sorry about that.
Just watched the start of this again and read what he has added to his comments.

He's disabled comments!

Seems to have backfired a bit, his comment of "there is no right way to look at things" is mental for a cyclist, the right way to look at things when you are that vunerable and exposed is sunny side up without any large shiny lumps of vehicle/road furniture/gravel hitting you, thats common sense for anything on the road not only push bikers.

I don't hate cyclists but hate the way some of them behave, but then again, you could say that for any vehicle and I've driven me fair share, I'm just a bit more aware as me bike went back on the road today :Clap:
Id have lost it with that cyclist aswell, he was being a smartarse! But at the sametime I've dealt with stupid police who think just because they are the police that their right and your wrong.
iv had run-ins with the police a few times (motoring & speeding offences) and wished id had that guys knowledge of the law, that officer was proper gobsmacked an serves him right for not knowing his job but i agree the cyclist was a knob the way he kept slapping the officer with questions about the law an seemed to be enjoying it to much
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Why should the cyclist get away with it i am sick of cyclists riding past my car whilst i am stopped at traffic lights. The law is there to be abided by everyone.What a pity PC Stout didn't phone for back up and arrest the smart arse. Get a grip man. :Angryfire
That dude is super sharp! unfortunately PC stout is not :Clap:
"There are many 'do's' and 'don'ts' in The Highway Code. It's important to note that cyclists have rights and responsibilities - not just rights... The 'must' rules in the Highway Code represent laws of the land and must be obeyed. Those rules which omit 'must' are advisable but not compulsory.
The Road Traffic Act 1988 says: "A failure on the part of a person to observe any provision of The Highway Code shall not of itself render that person to criminal proceedings of any kind, but any such failure may in any proceedings (whether civil or criminal and including proceedings for an offence under the Traffic Acts, the Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981 or sections 18 to 23 of the Transport Act 1985) be relied upon by any party to the proceedings as tending to establish or negative any liability which is in question in those proceedings."

In law, cyclists propel vehicles on the highway and so have to adhere to the same rules as motorists. However, the fines and penalties for offences are different. Cyclists DO NOT qualify for three penalty points for failing to comply with a red light. Offending cyclists, when caught, are given a non-endorsable fixed penalty ticket for £30. There are no offences that carry penalty points for cyclists.

he was liable for a fine

sort of prick that will give this government ideas implementing new taxes concerning cycle license, cycle test & points

I stay off the roads cos there is too many stressed out drivers who will take cyclists out just to speed up their journey