Commando 11.3.07 (and up) - Updates

Patchy... A bit like the information you're providing, LOL!

1. What provider are you with? pure / TW / ex-C&W / none of these

2. Which image version are you running? dbox > Services > yellow; Cycle? Date?

3. Which EPG Mode is current? Blue > Blue > EPG Prefs > Active?

4. Are you switching it off at the mains each night?

5. Are you giving it 20 mins + in Standby to load the long EPG?

Cheers- AL :)

Errrm, errrm...

1. exCW

2. Cycle 1.9

3. Standard VM EPG

4. No, just wack it in standby... Noticed it automatically goes into standby about 5am anyway... but no, never really unplug it... always put it on standby...

5. Well, I tried the long epg and it did work on some of the channels. I have reverted to the short one in hope that 24 hour epg would kick in for all channels, but it hasn't after using it for weeks...
Thankyou. You haven't applied the Commando-11-3-08.rar manual Upgrade yet.

So effectively, you're wasting your time (and ours) by wittering on about bugs in the original 26th August 2009 C11.3 image release, that were the very reason for continueing development and bringing out the Upgrade, ffs!!

2 months of hard slog by Renwich, FreddyFr0g, LraiZer, me, and others- to produce a gob-smacking Image- and you're still on about an image that's now 3 months old and is water under the bridge...

Practiise your FTP and Telnet skills- and apply the above Upgrade asap- and please read the easy instructions in the readme.txt that's included with the rar package!!

Cheers- AL : spank :

EDIT: Here's an inducement for you... The Upgrade has a new EPG Mode added that the original C11.3 didn't have. Standard VM 24 hr EPG on ALL channels!!

This won't be the default after you've carried out the Upgrade- Enhanced VM 3 Day EPG will be (which gives 3 days epg on filtered prime channels, and Now/Next epg on the dross stations).

Switch to Standard VM Mode under the blue button menus, and within 5 - 10 minutes, you'll have EPG until 6ish next day on ALL channels. Put the box into Standby for 20 mins (or leave the 5am Timers to do this automatically for you)- and you get this extended to a full 24 hours. Long Descriptions on all channels for around 4 hours on all channels, too.

Be warned though, ex-C&W EPG can be very iffy at times. (Service being brought to you via millions of wire coat hangers twisted together, LOL!)

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Thankyou. You haven't applied the Commando-11-3-08.rar manual Upgrade yet.

So effectively, you're wasting your time (and ours) by wittering on about bugs in the original 26th August 2009 C11.3 image release, that were the very reason for continueing development and bringing out the Upgrade, ffs!!

2 months of hard slog by Renwich, FreddyFr0g, LraiZer, me, and others- to produce a gob-smacking Image- and you're still on about an image that's now 3 months old and is water under the bridge...

Practiise your FTP and Telnet skills- and apply the above Upgrade asap- and please read the easy instructions in the readme.txt that's included with the rar package!!

Cheers- AL : spank :

EDIT: Here's an inducement for you... The Upgrade has a new EPG Mode added that the original C11.3 didn't have. Standard VM 24 hr EPG on ALL channels!!

This won't be the default after you've carried out the Upgrade- Enhanced VM 3 Day EPG will be (which gives 3 days epg on filtered prime channels, and Now/Next epg on the dross stations).

Switch to Standard VM Mode under the blue button menus, and within 5 - 10 minutes, you'll have EPG until 6ish next day on ALL channels. Put the box into Standby for 20 mins (or leave the 5am Timers to do this automatically for you)- and you get this extended to a full 24 hours. Long Descriptions on all channels for around 4 hours on all channels, too.

Be warned though, ex-C&W EPG can be very iffy at times. (Service being brought to you via millions of wire coat hangers twisted together, LOL!)


Alright then ya smug get, I know my way around Telnet from managing a Linux server in the past. Once I opened your readme in Notpad++, so I could actually read the thing, it was plain sailing. I could kiss you, you, you big penguin loving number bod - I can see what's on ESPN 'in the future' now. I'll adopt a penguin in your name. Very impressive, UK images have come a long, long way since the early days.

Cheers mate...
as I said in a PM PaphosAL I am more that happy to edit post 1 for you at any time
Im here most of the time and dont mind doing it at all for you :)

or you could make a new thread :)
A-F, D-K, T-S, UkCvs, UL, WoD: Yes. The trust is there and will NOT be abused.

DWZ: No.

The only way that one of the above boards could swing it, was to make me a 'global' and ask me to promise not to touch anything other than the intended target. Naturally I agreed, and will faithfully stick to that promise.

After all, I'm the same name on all the boards- therefore have a personal reputation to uphold, not to mention the good name of Team-Commando...

Thanks- AL :askadmin:
its not about not trusting you Al
I cannot give you Moderators status as it will open up rooms that are private

members editing posts was removed some time ago due to some editing posts months even years after and abusing it :(

Ive posted 2 options for you that could resove your problem :)
having said that I will look into it further for you to see what can be done
Thanks, Rat- you'll be amazed what can be tweaked in the ACP under an individual member's name, like being able to mod one section only (dBox2) and nothing else...

Meanwhile, revision C11.3.10 Upgrade / Update now ready to roll :)
Ive looked into it this afternoon a little more
and from what I can see you are set to edit your own posts BUT as with everyone else there is a set time limit
Al I think you would be better to PM Mickie D and explain it to him,he may be able to sort it for you on a individual basis :)
explain you have spoken to me already mate :)
Latest: The 11.3.10 Upgrade and Update files are now in post #1 above! (Thanks, Rat!)

The new version fixes a bug (reported by lincsat, thanks) with the epgfilter Plugin. Channel names containing 'special' characters (like & or ' for example- Men & Motors or Teacher's TV) weren't being parsed correctly to the epgfilter.xml - thereby corrupting this file. Thanks for the fix, LraiZer!!

Thankfully, the affected files are mostly crap channels that you wouldn't want long epg for anyway. But just in case, sorry- we've had to leave our default filter file in the update tarball again, this time around. We were hoping to leave it out from revision 3.11.10 onwards- so guess which file goes and needs a fix, ffs!!

Manual add-ons Users please note: A revised efp.tar.bz2 file is included in the Upgrade package to also reflect this fix. Please extract this and overwrite your local copy on PC!

Another fix is in the english.locale file, where some (Recording) menu names were arse about face; now corrected. Don't worry that 11.3.09 never made it onto DWZ, this is all wrapped into this update! (Read /var/etc/version.xml for details and revision history)

Cheers- AL ;)
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hi, please help, i have just put the commando 11.3 image on which went ok, i have ftp the upgrade C11.3.10 to the correct folder but when i go to install there are no files to manually install, i think i have followed the instructions, thanks in advance
Ok- just to reaffirm: First you must manually upgrade C11.3 via Telnet.

After that, your Commando 11.3 upgraded image is ready for updates to be applied via the new menu- manually, or online (if your box is connected online).

Cheers- AL :)

please can you give clear instructions on how to do this, thanks in advance
We have given clear installation instructions, m8! They are in the readme.txt that's packaged with the Upgrade kit.

Cheers- AL :)

i managed to upgrade with telnet, when i applied the update and rebooted i now have kein sysyem error, using windows 7 i cant get ifa to work, tried many versions, any help please
i managed to upgrade with telnet, when i applied the update and rebooted i now have kein sysyem error, using windows 7 i cant get ifa to work, tried many versions, any help please

right click on the IFA exe and properties, and select it to run in XP (or Vista mode)... Might work for you...
right click on the IFA exe and properties, and select it to run in XP (or Vista mode)... Might work for you...

thanx but still no joy,here is the situation so please bear with me

I run the latest upgrade of commando via telnet which went ok and booted fine , i then ftp the update and run that, once the box rebooted i get the error, the screen displays the b-mon v1.2 info plus other stuff, also says kein system at the bottom.

i have tried win xp/and win 7 with many versions of ifa with no luck. the box is hooked up to my netgear router, i dont habe a null modem connection on my pc so i could not use one,

i would really like this to be fixed so all advice is appreciated.

have you tried using the portable version of IFA also if you have a ethernet crossover cable try using that and connect box directly to the pc without the router
have you tried using the portable version of IFA also if you have a ethernet crossover cable try using that and connect box directly to the pc without the router

thanx for the replys, i will try the portable version but i dont have a crossover cable so i have to go the router way for now, i will let you know if i have success.


cant even get the portable version to work using win 7 and the comp modes :(

is my box goosed?
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thanx for the replys, i will try the portable version but i dont have a crossover cable so i have to go the router way for now, i will let you know if i have success.


cant even get the portable version to work using win 7 and the comp modes :(

is my box goosed?

Think you need to open a new thread mate as it is kind of hijacking this this one now. I reckon you need a null conection. Ask in the new thread about your options... you might be able to use a null to USB converter bought from Maplin/ebay etc. Open a new thread.:Cheers:
Can this be converted to 1x for us using sagem 1x ???

Ive had to put new image on tonight as for some reason my scan options now only included german cable which kinda freaked me out as I have not had any issues till this evening!!
Think you need to open a new thread mate as it is kind of hijacking this this one now. I reckon you need a null conection. Ask in the new thread about your options... you might be able to use a null to USB converter bought from Maplin/ebay etc. Open a new thread.:Cheers:

Thanks for the replys guys, i have fixed my issue now using the null method, i have never had to use this before now, i had a docking station with a serial port, i hooked this up and took my chances as i have never done this before, it worked and now i am up an running again, thanks.