Coming soon?


Sheep worrier.
VIP Member
Aug 8, 2001
Reaction score
The edge.
the hardware is over 2 years old, the TM-TWIN itself first appeared online around june last year, my receiver is a year old in a few weeks time, and im still waiting...............

The following is copied from my technomate software blog.......

Do you own a TM-TWIN? Have you read on all of the forums that 'Its coming soon'?

Well, 'coming soon' is not soon enough for us, and in 6 weeks time, our TM-TWIN is 1 year old, so, we are giving our TM-TWIN, and yours if youre brave, an early birthday present.

The final 'disclaimers' are being written as i type, and, within 48 hours, the TM-TWIN world is going to be shaken, one way or another.

Unless a miracle happens tomorrow at some point, you WILL see it here first...............
Hope your not planning to publicly release a build of the Vix image as it is still unstable and that would do no one any favours, if it was good enough the Vix team would release it.
Hope your not planning to publicly release a build of the Vix image as it is still unstable and that would do no one any favours, if it was good enough the Vix team would release it.

What a bizarre reply
Hope your not planning to publicly release a build of the Vix image as it is still unstable and that would do no one any favours, if it was good enough the Vix team would release it.

What a bizarre reply

hmmm, especially as their very first post on the forum said

my mate said to flash the latest image and that Vix is the best but I cant seem to find it anywhere, I have been to their website but cant see a download for TM just ones for Vu and xtrends any ideas where I would get it from.

at around the time it was thought that the ViX image had been leaked, my tingly senses are telling me something, but im not sure what, its a conspiracy, we'll all be out of work, and homeless, vote for the pastafarians, or we're all doomed, doomed i tells ye

i think i need a lie down