com port 2?

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i have a problem with com port 2 ,when i put my programmer in it stated it could not find it so i put it in com port 1 and it worked fine so i put my modem in com port 2 and it stated there was no modem , i went into device manager and it says that com port 2 is working fine and there are no conflicts, any ideas so i dont have to keep swapping modem and programmer over every time i want to use them.
thanks all
You might have already done what I am about to suggest, but if not. That could be your problem.
As far as I can make out you are actually trying the programmer and modem into the second serial port.

So when you put it in. You will need to restart windows so it can detect the new device. Then it will prompt you for drivers.

If you have already done this. What device is showing on COM 2? as you say there are no conflicts.
hi m8 looks to me that your com2 was setup for the modem before you put in the programmer causing the system to look for a modem wether it was there or not ..and yes Diamond is right in saying restart the system with the programmer installed and it should see the new hardware.or if you have a ps2 mouse use the proggy in com1 save a lot of messing around..
thats the problem there are no devices showing on com port 2 , when i reboot with the prog in com 2 it doesnt recognise it and if i reboot with the modem in com 2 it doesnt recognise it either but it says in device manager that it is working ok and there r no me baffled?
thanks again
I am no great expert m8, but I would really like to help you out with this problem (and hope others would too). So don’t give up on it yet.
If this is the first time you have tried this second port. Do you know for certain that it is connected to the motherboard? Also which type the m/board is?
If its an AT board and you are using a ps2 mouse, then I think I am right in assuming that the ps2 connector will be attached to the other connector on the m/board. Leaving the second port on the back of the case dead. (Hope that made sense). Which means you cannot use it.
If I'm wrong about that one then can someone please correct me?

On the other hand, if its an ATX board. I have another theory. When you take the modem out from port one, you might also have to remove the drivers so that windows can detect new hardware, when you start up with it in port two.

I don’t have a programmer myself, so I don’t know if it is auto detected. So you might have to try the "add new hardware" in control panel (with have disk etc).

Diamond :)
its an atx board and yes i have tried removing the drivers of the modem but i still have no luck , tried installing the modem on com 2 but it just wont recognise it.
Hi m8 try this.

When your computer is booting up, wait for the info screen to come up(thats the one with the cpu, memory info etc) tap the pause key and look down the right column for serial ports there should be two addresses showing 2f8, 3f8 (or similar) if not the second port is turned off in the bios.
You cant always rely on the device manager to tell the truth as you can have images of a port showing without the port being present. :rolleyes:
Com port 2????
If the modem cannot be found on com2 but works okay on com1 then it's safe to say you have a problem with the port and not the programmer.

I would check a couple of things:>

1. Does the system see the programmer on COM1?

2. Is the comport enabled in the bios. Does it have a different Figure than com1 (3f8/irq4) com2 should be 2f8/irq3. Some ASUS and Supermicroboards default to AUTO - if so manually give each port a setting.

3. If you have a motherboard with an onboard video feature like the 370SSA/SWM or the MS6340m motherboards the com2 port is connected to the motherboard by a ribbon. This may have detached itself from the motherboard. Or if it's losely connected (half on/or the wrong way around) the data maybe ghosted and the bios will not beable to see a device on it, although it will asign an address to the port.

4. You could always try a loopback test on the port.
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