Clan Badge


<font color="blue">{your spriit still lives on}</f
May 15, 2002
Reaction score
it would be a good thing if we went into other servers with the clan badge on our names as this is how you get a challenge flung out at us...just a and huggi whooped arse the night on that server they will remember dw clan
good idea,specially these free for all ones,spose you wont put one on my name cuz mines always on the "been shot" list........ :rolleyes:
yup you should have it of the clan not as good as the elite{only kidding m8 }
I did warn u MB that I am crap at that game, so as a team mate(new years eve) i'm not much help.But did u actually need any help, jesus we should change ur name to "rambo schwarzenegger the terminator" If i get to be half as good as u I'll be happy.
madbomber said:
it would be a good thing if we went into other servers with the clan badge on our names as this is how you get a challenge flung out at us...just a and huggi whooped arse the night on that server they will remember dw clan

any good?
what a photo of m8
BRILLIANT david........just what we need 10/10 m8
i think if we put the dw at the front of our name then thats all we need to do the lovely romantic badge can be a clan badge on monk's website <DW>{DW}
I've got {DW}Diamond-digi-world-champion lmfao

Minus the "-digi-world-champion" bit :Hit: