chipping question


VIP Member
VIP Member
Feb 26, 2002
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somewhere cold
I have a m8 fitting a messiah 2 for me into a version 3 ps2 He is having great difficulty in connecting up to the dvd controller chip. He is using swg 30 kynar wire. Does anyone have any advice or tips that will help. All other wires are connected ok.
Is there any alternative points to solder these wires as the pins on this chip are very close together.
Thanx in advance.
they are the normal connections you solder too on the dvd controler ian {dont think there's alternative points m8}, better to get a magnifier lamp from maplins 9.99,a good quality flux and some alcohol cleaning fluid {it should cost you about 15-20 quid for the lot}----whats 20 quid compared to buying a new ps2 if he knackers it.

clean the dvd controler chip legs with a cotton bud dipped in the alcohol fluid, flux the end of the kynar wire and add a bit of solder to it, reflux the kynar wire then match it up to the dvd controler leg and solder it. {reclean all the soldered connections when your done}

done quite a few ps2's {always got headaches straining my eyes doing the controler connections, should be a piece of cake with a magnifier lamp}
Benny59 is right in what he says mate, just tell im to be careful and not to fry the board.