Celebrities and the Law


Worldz Biggest Oddball
VIP Member
Dec 10, 2009
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Colorado Lounge
How do celebrities consistently wangle out of custodial sentences? Are their legal team part of some old boys network, where Judge's can be nobbled?
Katie Price is a prime example. With her history of driving offences, any average Joe would have done bird, even if it was just a few weeks.
Also that incident with that piece from Ndubs. She was on camera conspiring to supply cocaine. I know the guy set it up, but nevertheless, she's banned to rights. The Judge decides to throw it out of court on the grounds that the guy is an unreliable witness with proven track record of lying. I can't see the relevance as it's not like the prosecution were relying on an affidavit by him.
Don't the prosecution ever appeal the decision??
The South Wales police have a track record for stitching people up for murder. It's like the Judge throwing out any case they bring, on those grounds. It's just fucking ridiculous lol