Building house and looking for recommendations


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VIP Member
Dec 3, 2012
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Hey All,

Im currently building a new house and just got the roof on last week. Looking to make the house as cheap and as energy efficient as possible so went crazy on wall and attic insulation and get air tightness done. For the extra 10% for triple glazed i went for that too but just open to hearing peoples thoughts on things like heat recovery systems and other things that would make a house more efficient.

If you have suggestions on things I should put in before walls are plaster boarded I am all ears.
Well if they've done nothing for the last 6 months maybe you're recommendations will be noted. ☺️
Yeah, never implied the post details were not helpful, just pointing out that it is probably a little too late for the OP now.
I dont think it was helpful at all and looks to be copy and paste from another site/search engine.

For those interested.
Went for 16 solar panels.
Michanical HRV
Put nearly double insulation in ceiling and walls compared to what is required by building regs.
At least 3 cat53 to each room.
Cat 53 to ceiling of each room for AP of need.
Air to water. (Did not really want this but engineer insisted or he would not sign off on works.)

Still have not plaster boarded the place but will put in ducting for surround speaker system when i do.
Hey there! Congrats on building your new house! It's fantastic that you're prioritizing energy efficiency. Along with the insulation and triple-glazed windows, a heat recovery system can significantly enhance efficiency by capturing and reusing heat. Consider installing LED lighting, programmable thermostats, and energy-efficient appliances. Good luck!
Thanks for your helpful post. Enjoy the forum.
Hey there! Congrats on building your new house! It's fantastic that you're prioritizing energy efficiency. Along with the insulation and triple-glazed windows, a heat recovery system can significantly enhance efficiency by capturing and reusing heat. Consider installing LED lighting, programmable thermostats, and energy-efficient appliances. Contact DE COSTA group if you're looking for new projects to invest wisely. I hope that helps!
More great info, thanks very much.
Anything else you can suggest to invest in?
Hey there! Congrats on building your new house! It's fantastic that you're prioritizing energy efficiency. Along with the insulation and triple-glazed windows, a heat recovery system can significantly enhance efficiency by capturing and reusing heat. Consider installing LED lighting, programmable thermostats, and energy-efficient appliances. Contact DE COSTA group if you're looking for new projects to invest wisely. I hope that helps!
Is there an echo in hear🙄