breaking bad


VIP Member
VIP Member
Mar 4, 2006
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just watched the last episode last night ---- got to be one of best ever series ever seen !!!!!!!!!! fantastic
Some otherwise great series have ended with disappointing episodes.

This one was a cracker. :Biggrin2:
I have been watching this show on netflix, we are nearly at the end...

And I am so gutted that I won't watch the last episodes.

What a program, the acting, the writing, it is just on another planet!

Amazing program!

I was planning on watching it, you suggest it is the best series ever, guess I'll have to now!
I dont know what the hype is about with breaking bad. I watched pretty much the first season and I really couldnt get in to it. It was too dry and for me. went kind of slow.
I dont know what the hype is about with breaking bad. I watched pretty much the first season and I really couldnt get in to it. It was too dry and for me. went kind of slow.

I only watched the first series and thought it was ok and thought they had cancelled it until i heard someone mentioned the 4th series lol.
Still not got around to it but I'm guessing if you watched the next series then it will start getting more interesting.
Almost the whole first season is pretty boring, but between the end of the first and the beginning of the second one it becomes really amazing! Probably one the best series that I've ever seen
Watched 3 and half series, and frankly got bored. They make meth, they kill someone. Rinse and repeat.
Easily one of the very best series I have watched. Superb!
Slow? Boring? :eh?:

:wtf: Have I been watching a different show? :err:

Ahahah I'm talking only about the first episodes (who is Walter, the cancer and so on). I personally found these topics pretty slow and boring (but I understand they matter), but it's just my opinion :) from the second season 'till the end it's one of the most amazing series ever made
Slow? Boring? :eh?:

:wtf: Have I been watching a different show? :err:

First series was good, however it just went downhill. The story is literally, they make meth, kill someone. Next series, funnily enough they make meth and kill someone. Next series, they make meth, kill someone.
First series was good, however it just went downhill. The story is literally, they make meth, kill someone. Next series, funnily enough they make meth and kill someone. Next series, they make meth, kill someone.

Heresy. You must leave. Now. And never come back.
First series was good, however it just went downhill. The story is literally, they make meth, kill someone. Next series, funnily enough they make meth and kill someone. Next series, they make meth, kill someone.

yep your right there everyone has there own opinion !!!!! gangster series some one gets shot someone gets robed !!!!! police series someone gets arrested some one gets shot !!!!! comedy series someone cracks one liners some one gets made a fool of !!!! science fiction movies superman in the end always batters the bad guys !!!!
a love film mmmm don't know what would happen there !!! if a another die hard film comes out am not watching it ;)
could I ask what's the best series you have seen ??
For me it wasn't about making the meth or killing people. It was was about how an 'ordinary' guy gets put in an extraordinary situation and basically deteriorates and becomes his alter-ego. The 'say my name' scene is classic.
for me it started well and had some great episodes and i suppose there could only be 1 outcome , and it was very well written overall worth a watch
yep your right there everyone has there own opinion !!!!! gangster series some one gets shot someone gets robed !!!!! police series someone gets arrested some one gets shot !!!!! comedy series someone cracks one liners some one gets made a fool of !!!! science fiction movies superman in the end always batters the bad guys !!!!
a love film mmmm don't know what would happen there !!! if a another die hard film comes out am not watching it ;)
could I ask what's the best series you have seen ??

Best series is a hard one, I enjoyed Prison Break, but with the writers break it lost its way a little. Im currently enjoying "The Blacklist", although its still early days.

Perhaps it is because I watched all the episodes over a short period of time, and didn't get wrapped up in the hype that was generated by the whole series.
Fantastic piece of television and the writing and story exceptional how a mild and humble person degenerates into a Jekyll and Hyde character over the whole series :)

Some great Lines even mentioned above "Say My Name" but for me it will always be "I'm the One who Knocks"

On a little side note here but for fans of Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) as well as the rumoured prequel from the same writer 'Call Saul' watch out for him in 'Fargo' a new series not aired at present, If this is anything like the Coen Brothers film it was based on this could be the next one to watch.