Phone Unlocking Bluetooth software


Inactive User
Dec 10, 2007
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Hi Guys,
Here are a few bluetooth apps that i came accross and i would like to share with you all, Just drop them into your games folder on your mobile, the same way you would add any other game to the folder and away you go.
The apps dont work with all phones, i have tried them on Sony Erricson k800,k750i,k510i and they work fine, i have also tried them on a samsung d600 and it wont work on that, i think the reason being is that the d600 games software is made up of .jad files and these are .jar files, i have also tried converting the files from .jad to .jar and even then it still wont work,Anyway, give them a go and try them out on your unsuspecting friends phone
I hope i am not breaking any forum rules as i am still a newbie(mods delete if i am)
Have fun