Black box


Inactive User
Jul 26, 2001
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Does any one know about the boxes that are attached to the back of the system to recieve free PPV channels.
glenn m8, do you mean the ppv on fly digital, if the answer is yes then dont bother useing one{they will deplete the 50 quid credit on the card in a matter of days}, when you reconnect up to the phone line fly send you a bill for the fifty quid.
and all they are is a bt socket with a 9v battery which you can make for 2 quid and are being sold in cardiff area for £15, suckers. and i dont sell them.
Thanks for the replies m8s.<br />So I take it that these are not worth a w**k.

Regards<br />Glenn
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glenn So I take it that these are not worth a w**k. <hr></blockquote>

You got it in one m8 <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

regards Gazer.
On the same subject is there any truth in that if you switch off your sky for 3 days it clears the memory
Intergrated circuits are wonderous things these days <img src="biggrin.gif" border="0">
Once you have the message not enough credit is there anyway of cancelling this other than contacting sly
no <img src="biggrin.gif" border="0">
Thanks, but how come some of my m8's have gone over the so call £50.00 limit and no such message appears
It seems that the current credit limit on cards is now £70. But there are still only 25 ppv slots to store records on the card, so it will be a matter of what is reached first, either 25 records or up to the limit of £70, or £50, or whatever limit is set. I have seen lower limits of £50 but none higher than £70. It seems the limit cannot be set at unlimited, even by sly, because the card still fails when the ppv slots cannot be overwritten.
Hi could someone tell me how to make one of those blck boxes.<br />thanx
sorry no proof just word of mouth, as they would watch a lot of adult channels and it wouldn't be too long before the limit is reached. Just a thought maybe in the early days of sly the early birds where set up differenly?
Is there not a way where you put your card in the microwave fo 10-20 seconds and it frazzels the memory on the chip and you phone sky and tell them the card is ****ed and the send you a new one for FREE and they'll ask you to send back the old one,just send it because there should be nothing on the card or you could just say you binned it

Is there not a way where you put your card in the microwave fo 10-20 seconds and it frazzels the memory on the chip and you phone sky and tell them the card is ****ed and the send you a new one for FREE and they'll ask you to send back the old one,just send it because there should be nothing on the card <hr></blockquote>

I just gotta point out that this will suit sly and they wont care about this, and when they read it they will chuckle... Sly B@st@rds!!!<br />Sooner or later all the old cards will be replaced with their new ones anyway. But no urgency for now to spend the money on replacing, release a crap hack that will make people bust their cards and ask for new ones. Then the dodgy/possibly dodgy customers will get replacement cards first, and they'll have details for their records. Any future probs they will know who stands out, and will not replace another card in the future.

If you bin a card for any reason you will be charged for a replacement. If you send back busted it will really do them a favour. If you plug box in you get charged (and questioned). Don't under-estimate just how sly they really are!!

Please dont bust or throw away ANY card before serial 05x xxx xxx because they may be useful to you in the future, and are certainly useful for tests by some people NOW. <img src="tongue.gif" border="0">