iPhone Apps biteSMS 4.8 Cracked


Staff member
Dec 5, 2006
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biteSMS v4.8 Cracked

Open Cydia and make sure SiNfuL iPhone Repo is added to your sources
Tap on Sections > SiNfuL iPhone and install biteSMS Cracked


You love your iPhone as much as we do? You text all the time? Want more features? Then biteSMS is for you, with lots of extra features like Smileys, Quick Reply, Quick Compose / Quick Call, Privacy, a Character / SMS Counter and much more!
You can use biteSMS as a replacement to the built-in Messaging application, and send messages via your mobile carrier as you normally do.

Changelog: v 1.8 - May 25, 2010 released - Changelog
- Added Activator support, done nicely of course.
- Added back the delivery prefix feature (removed in Release 4.7) - mostly for UK O2 users. So biteSMS now supports the iPhoneDelivery application and Prefixes.
- When pressing Quick List with only one message pending, Quick Reply will now open, so less touch events.
- In the biteSMS app, the contact pictures now have nice rounded corners.
- Improved the speed of touch events and animations when using Quick Reply and Quick Compose buttons.
- Improved Privacy support in the new Quick Reply.
- You can now tap the Quick List icon when a Quick Reply is displayed - this in effect does a Later action for you.
- For Google "ad clicks" that result in the display of a web page we no longer exit out of biteSMS, but instead render the web page inside biteSMS.
- Fixed up bugs with the "Currently Used" messages counter for messages sent via your mobile carrier.
- Fixed up a bunch of other bugs and inconsistences.
- Just to let you know that for the upcoming Apple Firmware 4.0 Release in June, biteSMS will be ready! We have completed most of the work, and are in the final testing stages. So expect a biteSMS release 4.9 very soon!
- This should be the best, most stable release of biteSMS yet, so thanks for all your support!!!


cracked by Syphr
would this work on the ipad mate, and does it send msg's free!!!
borrow me ya ipad and ill see pmsl , i dont know to be honest mate .will have a search round to see what people are saying
ill just install it mate see what happens,lol!!!
If your adding this just for smilies, then add something called Scan, this will add the japanese keyboard to yours, and you get smilies then. Or at least thats what I done.