Best tm twin image


VIP Member
VIP Member
Nov 1, 2008
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Hiya, my mate wants his tm twin updating and has asked me to do it for him, just wondered what people were using at the moment ? Most stable etc, would really like it if perminent time shift worked aswell and recording stuff was stable, so whats everyone recommend ? Thanks
...a different box then....

I thought the 4D image was going to be better, but now all I get is spinning cogs no matter how many restarts I do and I wasn't even doing anything with the fekin thing..

The simple answer is, if your mate wants a reliable box, buy something else.

Or just tell him that you'll put the latest 4D image on it and he'll just have to suck it and see like everyone else as that's how Technomate run their ship..

Both FTP and Telnet attempts to access media/hdd/timeshift failed, so I edited the etc/enigma2/settings file and used a bogus HDD directory name (for config.usage.timeshit_path), uploaded it and killed the power (you have to do that when you change the settings file as standby will remove any edits you FTP back to the box. I found that out when adding my stored satellite positions following each re-flash)

[although in this case, standby wasn't an option as the cogs just kept on spinning...]

Anyways, box restarted and complained about not being able to start the timeshift due to the path being invalid, but the receiver is back online again without the cogs..

Now to check the HDD....

I thought it was worth a diagnostic shot and got lucky (although I suspected a timeshit [that's not a typo lol]) problem...)

I suspect everyone else's will do the same at some point, but at least this will save you reflashing your box for no reason.
Hiya thanks for replies mate, he might be better off sticking with the digitalworldz image he has on the box at the minute then, perminent timeshift doesnt seem to work more often than not though and he says recordings are abit up and down aswell, he gets freeze ups aswell, when i say freeze ups his box will just show the icon in the top left hand corner and just stay there, only way to fix is on off from the rear of the box which is starting to annoy him now, was really hoping vix image would be out for him by now but i suppose there was alot for vix team to do and i know they wont release any old thing which is a good thing, just shows how messed up everything was really as even the vix team are taking a while to sort through it all, what about this non linux side ? Does anyone use that for normal day to day viewing or is that just for recovering the box really ? Thanks
HDD required formatting (more than once) mkfs error on 1st run...

I don't keep media on the HDD, it's purely used for timeshift, which has now been restored (until the next glitch..)

Feel free to merge my posts into one as the forum limits don't allow updates to be added to the original post :(

Don't get me wrong, the 4D image insn't perfect and it's been on my box a little while now but he may find it less shite than the shite he's running now, if you know what I mean lol.

As far as the vix image goes, I fear the main problem is that the requested drivers are not being delivered, leaving the image unreliable (which, as you say, will not sit well with the vix team and who can blame them..)
hiya, do i need to update the bootloader or is it built into the new 4d image ? thanks
There is a bootloader included in the pack. It is the one called cfe.bin Just flash the downloaded image package and you should be OK.

You must keep pressing EXIT after rebooting following a flash with the bootloader.
Hiya, so far its been up and running for last few days and its been ok to be fair, timeshift working no problems, recordings working, have got couple of problems though, first is the box has 2 lines on it, mgcam line and a cccam line but it doesnt seem to be changing when i select a different cam, like wathcing tv using mgcam all working fine, but needed to stop that cam and use cccam to watch something else and it just wouldnt do it, cccam just wouldnt work, no errors or anything came up when stopping and starting the different cams so not sure whats happening there, anyone had same problem and fixed it ?
Other problem is hooked it up to moving dish today and the guys dish is out of alinement , so went into positionor settings and evertyhing was 85% lol, moved dish manually with remote and signal was still 85% so i couldnt just get few satellites working until friday when i go aline his dish up properly,
Apart from them 2 problems seems ok image, cam problem i need to sort out though if anyone knows how, thanks
Did you manually install the cams or use ones from the plugins downloads?

Someone else posted about emulators clearing even when he had stopped them. Could you confirm using the ps telnet command if start/stopping the cam actually starts/stops it? It did for me but I did not test swapping different types.
Hiya, i wont be with the box until friday again now but i will test when i get there, do you kmow the commands ? I can confirm though mgcam must of stopped properly as it stopped clearing what it should, then when i restarted it again they started clearing again so presume thats ok, i got the plugins from the feeds , thanks
Once you telnet in, typing ps and then return will show you the running processes. You've confirmed mgcam starts/stop, just check CCcam now.
Why not just run both the nline and the cline in mgcamd?

Make a new file in notepad, call it cccamd.list and put your cline in it thus:
C: port username password

Ensure notepad doesn't name it cccamd.list.txt (either rename it if it does or ensure the file type is set to 'all files' in notepad before you save it)

Upload this to usr/keys.

Then, open up the mg_cfg file and change the G: setting from 01 to 33 and save it back to usr/keys.

Restart the cam and voila :)