Battery Boosters


VIP Member
May 27, 2001
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Been to Rat's, have rash to prove it ;)
Anyone know anything about portable battery boosters ?

The father in law is always running his battery flat sitting outside waiting for his Mrs with the radio going but not leaving the engine running, he also does loads of short trips stopping and starting the engine all the time.

This takes it toll and eventually he finds himself in a position that just anit enough juice in the battery to turn it over.

He wants us to buy him a clarke booster from machine mart for 80 quid but I see other makes cheaper that claim to have the same output.

Any recommendations, cost v price.

Buy the clark one mate,them £20 ones are pants...

Father in law has had 2 in last 6 months.
I've opened them up to repair and the quality is aweful,low quality/AH battery.

PS Have you check out his alternator/battery is Ok ?
This just like the battery you can use to give you a jump yeh mean?
I got one for 20 quid knocked down from 40 i think it was at maplins and it has been a life saver for my mates more than anything cos a few of them have called me to help them out with a start so i just take that. Never had a problem with mine and holds the charge for months
Well worth having one of these! I'd recommend everyone havin one.
Air compressor is a bit pants on my one but bought a decent dedicated one now.
Yeah Altenator battery are fine, they are checked EVERY time this happens to him, it's a mobility car and it has happened to his last three, always in the last year of having it. I just think it's his usage style taking toll on things.

So I have 2 opinions one says yes expensive one says no, lol.
The one I had was crap ! better off getting a spare battery and a set of jump leads .
depends what you re starting with it and how flat the battery is.. i've had diesel cars and vans for yonks and love the cheap ones that also have an air compressor with them (aldi's) etc.
if the battery is totally flat, then it prob won't start it anyway, but if its just a cell gone down its cheaper than buying a new battery, and once the frost are finished its easier to start em.

also, put your clutch in when starting the car.. every little helps!

last thing, make sure you don't connect both terminals, put the earth to a metal bit on the block of the engine

hope this helps

If you get one for about £30 / £40 it should be fine for what you want.
I've got a couple of these i lend out to customers + a good one for the garage
my father in law bought the strongest one on the market from maplins as he radio kept draining tha battery , the father in law said the guy told me it would start a tank its that strong ) . first time he tryed it ,it fried the ignition wires to bits lol on his clio