back up manager 2
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
This Backup Manager lets /bdvd link to app_home/PS3_GAME so to load your PS3 game backup with this manager will need to have one of the Hermes hex codes on your device. To install it just overwrite the existing one, you do not have to delete the currently installed Backup Manager.
Once you have Jailbroken your PS3 you can launch the backup manager. Select the game you want to load and press X. It should then drop you back to the XMB. Now select app_home/PS3_GAME and press X. If all went well your game should load without a disc in the drive.
Not all games are work yet with Backup Manager 2 without a game disc in the drive, with an internal or external hard disk drive, so in the PS3 JailBreak Game Compatibility List add "Backup Manager 2" to the notes section if you used it in your results.
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MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
This Backup Manager lets /bdvd link to app_home/PS3_GAME so to load your PS3 game backup with this manager will need to have one of the Hermes hex codes on your device. To install it just overwrite the existing one, you do not have to delete the currently installed Backup Manager.
Once you have Jailbroken your PS3 you can launch the backup manager. Select the game you want to load and press X. It should then drop you back to the XMB. Now select app_home/PS3_GAME and press X. If all went well your game should load without a disc in the drive.
Not all games are work yet with Backup Manager 2 without a game disc in the drive, with an internal or external hard disk drive, so in the PS3 JailBreak Game Compatibility List add "Backup Manager 2" to the notes section if you used it in your results.
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