Baby-faced boy is father at 13

hes 13? looks bout 9-10 if that

bout time they start charging kids with sex crimes...stint on sex offenders mite stop them doing this or even jail...but soft government will give them benifits left right and center so whats to stop them

yeah i mean she is 15 and had sex with a 12 year old! yet if she were 16 she would be prosecuted.
Seems like this slut been round town. This is our society today. Makes me sick.

Boy may not be baby's father


© ITN 2009

Teenager Alfie Patten may not been a father at 13 after all, amid allegations that the mother has had several other sexual partners, it has been reported.
The case of Alfie - who was just 12 when the baby was conceived - has already provoked a fierce political debate over the high rate of teenage pregnancies in the UK and the sexualisation of children.
But two other teenagers believe they may have fathered six-day old Maisie, whose mother Chantelle Steadman is herself just 15.
Richard Goodsell, 16, told a Sunday paper that he also shared a bed with the teenager at her home in Eastbourne, East Sussex, at around the time she became pregnant.
Richard, a trainee chef, said: "I know I could be the father. Everyone thinks I am. My friends all tell me that the baby has my eyes - even my mum thinks so.
"Even Chantelle's mum asked me if I was the father."
He added: "If I am the father, I have the right to know."
Richard, who told the paper he slept with Chantelle with the consent of her parents and without using any contraception, said he plans to demand a DNA test is carried out to find out the truth.
Chantelle lives with her mother, Penny, and father, Steve, in a council house on the Old Town estate.
Tyler Barker, 14, also told the paper he could have fathered Maisie, born at the Eastbourne District General Hospital last week.
He said he slept with Chantelle around nine months ago, again in her own bed.
Both boys and their parents are reported to have made sworn statements in front of a solicitor detailing their encounters with Chantelle.

Source: MSN.COM
Seems like this slut been round town. This is our society today. Makes me sick.

Boy may not be baby's father


© ITN 2009

Teenager Alfie Patten may not been a father at 13 after all, amid allegations that the mother has had several other sexual partners, it has been reported.
The case of Alfie - who was just 12 when the baby was conceived - has already provoked a fierce political debate over the high rate of teenage pregnancies in the UK and the sexualisation of children.
But two other teenagers believe they may have fathered six-day old Maisie, whose mother Chantelle Steadman is herself just 15.
Richard Goodsell, 16, told a Sunday paper that he also shared a bed with the teenager at her home in Eastbourne, East Sussex, at around the time she became pregnant.
Richard, a trainee chef, said: "I know I could be the father. Everyone thinks I am. My friends all tell me that the baby has my eyes - even my mum thinks so.
"Even Chantelle's mum asked me if I was the father."
He added: "If I am the father, I have the right to know."
Richard, who told the paper he slept with Chantelle with the consent of her parents and without using any contraception, said he plans to demand a DNA test is carried out to find out the truth.
Chantelle lives with her mother, Penny, and father, Steve, in a council house on the Old Town estate.
Tyler Barker, 14, also told the paper he could have fathered Maisie, born at the Eastbourne District General Hospital last week.
He said he slept with Chantelle around nine months ago, again in her own bed.
Both boys and their parents are reported to have made sworn statements in front of a solicitor detailing their encounters with Chantelle.

Source: MSN.COM

The 16 year old guy could be in trouble for sex with a minor then couldnt he?
The 16 year old guy could be in trouble for sex with a minor then couldnt he?

Richard, who told the paper he slept with Chantelle with the consent of her parents and without using any contraception, said he plans to demand a DNA test is carried out to find out the truth.

He should be in trouble but this might make it messy. what parent will give their 16 year old permission to have sex!!!
He should be in trouble but this might make it messy. what parent will give their 16 year old permission to have sex!!!

Sounds like a possible money making scheme for the parents of chantelle.
not very bright are they,short term gain for long term pain. I mean firstly if young alfie ain't the dad then the story goes out of the window and no cash handed over, the story then is a case of pregnancy of a teenage mum, next the muppets excluding Alfie who claim to be the father have the CSA(or whatever)chasing them more than likely they will remain on the dole till the child is 16 therefore life ruined, me I would keep out of it and let the patsy have the problems, as I say muppets not a brain cell in their heads.
We're going to see more and more stories like this (Shannon Matthews kidnapping saga) arise as the scum of society start crawling out trying more and more extreme and saddistic methods to gain fame and fortune. This will go on until this country's benefits system is severly overhauled.

It is because of the benefits system that these people can prosper and live a life that the good people have to work hard for. These people have never worked a days work in their life and these kids will never work and why should they. They can sit and enjoy the perks of life without having to go out. They can enjoy 42" plasma TV's, have their PS3's, Sky TV all paid for by people like you and I.
I said when this first came out that he was not the father! I bet she has been with loads of other kids (that is so wrong... kids having kids).... it looks so unreal the boy is hardly bigger than my boy and he is 9.

I reckon its a stunt to make cash can you imagine the money the papers had paid to get the story its been front page news on nearly every rag.

My favourate bit of the story ( my dad sometimes gives me ten pounds )

Its a good job the sun is paying them for there story becuase its sounds like both of the kids familys are all on benifits and havent got a pot to piss in.
The lad just joined fathers for justice - he said he doesnt really understand the politics but he loves wearing his spiderman outfit !!!